On 03/18/2011 03:49 PM, Joseph Areeda wrote:
There are so many things to test that using Natty anyway I can is
helpful to some extent. To test the installation uses the live CD, to
test the packages update regularly, to test the hardware drivers use
real hardware.

Is that close?


Also keep in mind that the BIG thing for natty that needs a LOT of testing and bug filing is Unity... Natty itself isn't too much of a departure from Maverick in general terms, but Unity is the BIG thing for Natty and it needs a lot of testing.

The second biggest thing is uTouch, but that only works if you have touch devices... I still need to buy a MagicTrackpad to do some touch testing with... but a touch screen netbook or a tablet would be even better :)

Unfortunately, to use Unity, you need 3d, so that means either running on bare metal that supports it or running on a VM that includes that support (VirtualBox doesn't without addon stuffs, so getting Unity in a VBox VM requires some extra work).

But yeah, you got it figured out ;-)

Some of my questions weren't clear but your discussion was useful. My
first question would have been better phrased "Should I start with a
live CD install every time?". And the answer is yes, if I'm testing
installation procedures.


Consider this... I do installer testing in VMs and I maintain a local mirror of cdimages.ubuntu.com for doing so.

I run Natty on a netbook (Lenovo S-10) and on a Laptop (Thinkpad x201) and keep those up to date with package updates (except when I'm doing something special like my recent Lucid -> Maverick -> Natty upgrade test). But that's my setup, and I'm weird like that :-)

As a newb in qa and bug squad (not development or unix) I have to say my
biggest frustration is the proper answer to "where do I start?", "what
do I do now?" seems to always be "start anywhere you want and do
anything you want". Not knowing what I want yet makes that weird.

Unfortunately, that is the correct answer. Perhaps there's a better way to address it, but it is what it is... the things I did when I first started mucking about with Linux are certainly not the things you're going to want to do (that was back when you had to compile most drivers on your own, compile your own kernels for everything, and use keyboards carved out of stone using primitive tools).

But just go where your interest lies... if you enjoy fixing bugs or writing code, learn to use Launchpad and Bazaar and start contributing code.

If you like working with bugs in general, triaging and even testing and filing bugs is a great way to start.

ISO test days are always pretty fun if you enjoy doing test cases and trying to break things.

And that's just three examples from a QA point of view... You could also help writing translation strings if you speak other languages and want to help make sure Ubuntu is translated properly. I only mention that one because it recently became a little more important to me by happenstance...

I'm keeping notes with a wiki page in mind for the new guy. Like so much
in this business things things seem incomprehensible and overwhelming
one minute then trivial and obvious the next. That makes it real hard
for those of you who know what you're doing to communicate to those of
us who haven't had that AHA moment.

That's cool... but be sure you check around the wiki first as a lot of info may already exist (however, centralizing wiki information is always a good idea, IMO, and I really am NOT a fan of wikis in general). Speaking of which, writing and editing things on the wiki is yet another way to help out if editing and writing is your cup of tea...

Welcome to the party!


Jeff Lane - Hardware Certification Engineer and Test Tools Developer
Ubuntu Ham: W4KDH
Freenode IRC: bladernr or bladernr_
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