On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 15:11, Phill Whiteside <phi...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Hi, QA,
> A couple of people have stated that Lubuntu is not 'really' on the ISO
> testing area, one simple example would be http://qa.ubuntu.com/ which does
> not even list xubuntu?

That's because, I believe, that Lubuntu is not an "official" port,
unlike Xubuntu and Kubuntu.  I could be wrong there, but that's my
understanding of it.

As for Xubuntu, I don't understand what you mean.
http://qa.ubuntu.com doesn't list anything because it's a blog ;-)
However, the ISO section at http://qa.ubuntu.com/testing/iso-testing/
clearly shows Xubuntu in the explanation.  Perhaps you actually want
to show them http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com , the actual ISO tracker. Though
keep in mind that that's only active at Milestones and Release.  The
ISO tracker provides info and test cases for Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Kubuntu,
Edubuntu, Mythbuntu, Ubuntu-Server and a few others.

> I am struggling to send people who would like to get involved in QA when
> they return to me to say "the site does not work".

What does not work?  Is "the site" too difficult to understand?  Are
the explanations at http://qa.ubuntu.com not clear enough, or
difficult to find?  That's a pretty generic statement and if there is
a problem that's turning away potential QA volunteers, it would be
nice to know exactly what's broken so the team can work on fixing it.

> If there are any wiki edits that you need to live and active pages I would
> be more than happy to get them there. (I also have a gang of people who
> would love this in their resumee).

We'd love to have them!  If they have problems, the first thing to do
is join the ubuntu-qa list and ask questions there.  It's not USENET,
no one's going to start cussing and screaming at teh n00bs.  Or hop on
Freenode IRC and join #ubuntu-quality, though for newbie questions, I
prefer e-mail as IRC is not always a guarantee depending on your time



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