Please, find below the requirements I will be discussing with them. I
have tried to ask for things that are going to benefit the tool as a
whole, other stuff like adding Open ID log-in I have been told we can do
easily internally.

Thanks for the excellent feedback everyone. Will keep you posted on the


- Test case definition to have test case id (configurable format, see
below), test description (brief text field), assumptions (text field),
actions (text field) and expected results (text field shown next to
actions to facilitate the readability).

- Test case id: to follow some sort of pattern i.e. TC-COMP-{auto} where
{auto} would be a sequence auto-incremented and making sure no
collisions happen.

- Add status "Under Review" to test cases to facilitate test case life
cycle. It would be helpful if the status could be changed whilst editing
the test case as well, as one of the fields.

- Be able to link to a different bug repository than bugzilla. Making
the link configurable or so, because that would make our linking to
launchpad defects easy (our links look like this:

- Add some kind of markup to be able to show bold, italics or
preformatted sections, we've found this bug[1] in your database that
suggests using html, but maybe some other markup language would be more
suitable (markdown, wiki syntax, etc).

- Are the permissions of the different roles configurable? If not, which
are the privileges of each of the roles?

- Adding the number of test cases per cycle would help the usability of
testcycles screen[2]

- Test cases management view could do with the date when each test case
was last modified.

- When a user is going to run a set of tests, it is currently difficult
to see which Product has runs available, maybe having a number between
brackets next to each one of them would help people find the right
places to run test cases.

I understand what you mean by Product and Runs, but what does Cycle
mean? If this is Mozilla specific terminology, could we make that
concept configurable?


Gema Gomez-Solano        <>
Ubuntu QA Team 
Canonical Ltd. 

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