Nicholas, thanks forth great suggestions.

Just to answer your one question below, this was a fresh install of beta 1
on my backup laptop, which gave similar poor results, followed by an apt
upgrade in case it was fixed since the beta release, which was not the case.

sorry to top post but I am on my android phone which seems to prefer that

Chris Hermansen ·

C'est ma façon de parler.
On Sep 21, 2012 9:57 AM, "Nicholas Skaggs" <>

> Chris, are you able to boot in recovery mode, or boot into an alternate
> desktop? If so, then you should be able to file a bug.
> Additionally, how did this come about? Did you update and have this issue?
> Does a livecd from say, today's daily image, boot up and load a live
> session on the machine? Does re-installing unity help at all? I would start
> trying to debug the source of the problem via these questions; probably
> before I even filed the bug so I would be able to give good information.
> When your ready file a bug against unity (and mention it's video related,
> hence it will also file against compiz).
> ubuntu-bug unity
> Hope this helps!
> Nicholas
> On 09/21/2012 12:49 PM, chris hermansen wrote:
>> (bump)
>> not looking for a fix below, just an idea on how to file a bug report
>> from a machine whose desktop is not running...
>> On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 4:07 PM, chris hermansen <>
>> wrote:
>>> Unity is not working on my older Toshiba A70, once I log in (This machine
>>> automatically falls over to Unity-2d in 12.04 and prior).
>>> Right now I am staring at a nice royal blue screen. The touch pad can
>>> move
>>> the cursor but that is about it. no decoration of any kind. no response
>>> to
>>> right clicks.
>>> I can ctrl alt f1 into a terminal session.
>>> at the end of syslog i see warnings few gnome-session:
>>> WARNING: App 'compiz.desktop' respawning too quickly
>>> CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. sorry...
>>> not sure how to file a bug report for this.
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