To simplify scheduling for hackfests, classroom sessions, and Ubuntu open
week, can we have a wiki page that lists* ALL* *ubuntu QA* activities? We
have a fixed schedule for "release schedule" and "cadence testing".

The email notifications are great, but It helps to stay ahead of upcoming
events and to prepare when necessary. Plus, it would be helpful to add
these new schedules to the *QATeam* wiki page
If this is possible?

Istimsak Abdulbasir

"change is good"

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 11:53 AM, Phill Whiteside <> wrote:

> okies :)
> I've just checked, meetingbot is still in #ubuntu-quality-chat :)
> Regards,
> Phill.
> On 22 May 2013 16:43, Nicholas Skaggs <>wrote:
>>  I prefer to keep things like this in the channel -- I like activity.
>> It's over a long period of time so it's not like 15 people will suddenly be
>> swarming the channel, while others are attempting to do something else.
>> Besides, if your hanging out with us, you can be hacking :-p
>> That said, I'm happy to change it if it becomes an issue.
>> Nicholas
>> On 05/21/2013 07:05 PM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
>> Hi Boss,
>>  Please check if the ubuntu-classroom area is available, it means that
>> others can discuss other QA / testing things during the hackfests and we
>> have set of logs for people to follow that are purely dedicated to those
>> areas. If the area is not, then I strongly suggest using the secondary
>> ubuntu-testing room and checking that the meetingology bot is present to
>> "take notes" so that a full log is available.
>>  Regards,
>>  Phill.
>> On 21 May 2013 19:58, Nicholas Skaggs <>wrote:
>>>  Ok, it's time to schedule our hackathons for this cycle. (For those
>>> not familar with the idea of a hackfest, have a look here:
>>> I'd like to springboard the autopilot work ASAP, so let's plan one for
>>> this month. We had three last cycle, or about one hackathon every two
>>> months. I think we'll end up with a few more than that this cycle ;-) It's
>>> much easier to host and run them earlier in the cycle, so I would suggest
>>> the following date/times:
>>> May 23rd from 1200 UTC to 2000 UTC
>>> June 4th from 1200 UTC to 2000 UTC
>>> June 13th from 1200 UTC to 2000 UTC
>>> We can plan more fests after -- but let's start with this. Cadence
>>> testing should kick off sometime after the last session listed, so it would
>>> be good to get as much done in advance of that. Does the date and times
>>> work well for everyone? If not, we can change around one of the June dates
>>> listed, but I would really like to get the first one in this week. I know
>>> everyone is ready to dive in again (me too!)!
>>> With that in mind, is there a volunteer who would be willing to put
>>> together a wiki page for the May 23rd date, ala,
>>> I think we can modify
>>> the table and drop the 'tester' column and instead instruct people to
>>> simply assign themselves the bug. The big things for the first hackfest is
>>> autopilot 1.3 stuff and doing manual testcase review and marking off some
>>> of the needed cases :-)
>>> Once the page is ready, and your feedback is in, we'll do an official
>>> annoucement for the first hackfest. Thanks everyone!
>>> Nicholas
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