On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Fernando Panizza

>         Hello everyone, my name is Fernando I am a programming student from
> Uruguay and I'm very thankful for using Ubuntu and I like to contribute
> as much as I can.

Hello Fernando,

Hello and Welcome to Ubuntu Quality mailing list and thanks for your email
:) we are glad to have yet another interested contributor who is willing to
make Ubuntu Communities even better by doing some tests.
I see Nicholas has already welcomed you and showed you the first step :D

>         So for the moment I'll start running image tests for I'm just
> getting
> started with this, but if there is another area wich requires more help
> just tell me and I'll see what I can do.

Yes, it would be super kind and nice of you to help Ubuntu GNOME with

ALL about Ubuntu GNOME can be found here:
Testing Ubuntu GNOME: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/Testing

>         Anyway thank you for the opportunity of contributing, I'll do my
> best.

THANK YOU for choosing and testing Ubuntu and its variants :)

I'm Lubuntu, Xubuntu and Ubuntu GNOME Tester so should you have any
question regarding these 3 variants, I will do my very best to help as much
as possible :)

*Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
*Best Regards,
amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad> - StartUbuntu
 - Linux Brainstorming <https://www.facebook.com/groups/352004991569676/> -
Ubuntu GNOME <http://ubuntugnome.org/> - Xubuntu <http://xubuntu.org/> -
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