On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 1:18 PM, Trevor DuPuis <technitre...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello All,

Helo Trevor,

Welcome to Ubuntu :)

> I am just starting to get into Ubuntu.  I am the type of person that is
> curious and would like to dive right into Ubuntu.

Welcome to the club. You are not alone, almost everyone here has the same
feeling :D

> I'm also a novice to this kind of stuff but I am eager to learn.

That what The FOSS (Free Open Source Software) Community is looking for.
This is what we need.

> So, I guess I'll explain a little of why I want to get into Ubuntu in the
> first place.  Let's just say that I would like to know what's under the
> hood.  Windows and Mac OS is a product that I don't really get the chance
> to look inside and see what each part does.  I also have some frustrations
> on how things are presented and utilized.  That is what I'm hoping to get
> from Ubuntu, the chance to explore the lower levels of the computer's
> Operating System.

Yet again, you are not alone :) it does feel really great when you knock a
door, someone opens it up and you find lots of people sharing the same
common goal and looking forward to achieve the same thing, what could be
better than this in this crazy weird world we live in?

>  Before I get into the thick of things, I would first like to see what the
> Ubuntu looks like.  I would like to see the App store.  Which programs are
> available to Ubuntu that I use regularly on Windows?  Which programs could
> be replaced by others.  I'd like to know how good my graphics looks.  How
> intuitive the interface is (I really like the Mac OS dock and I'm not a big
> fan of Window's Task bar).  I understand that Linux has a great command
> line system.  I've never really used one, so I'd like to try it out.

What you have described and listed above is the very same things/steps that
everyone new to Linux/Ubuntu is seeking so in order to fulfill your goals
and meet your needs, we have to go step by step :)

  Well, I'm gonna need the communities help on figuring this kind of stuff
> out.  I also think that if I was apart of the project, I would have an
> easier time sticking to it.

We are at your service. You are most welcome and we will take good care of

In order to start, if you are really interested, this is the right place to
start with, this is the first step that you need to take:


You have sent your email to the list of a team called Ubuntu Quality [1].
This team, is putting so much tears, blood and sweat, 24/7 to make Ubuntu
even better. Not only Ubuntu, but all its official variants as well. While
those people are busy doing that, there is yet another team is taking care
of new comers to Ubuntu, that is Ubuntu Beginner Team:

So, let's get you through your first step and then, if you decided to step
in and help Ubuntu Quality Team, I and everyone else over here will take
good care of you and help you to get started but for now, I do recommend
and advice not to jump in too deep, let's learn how to walk then we can run
as fast as we can :)

Thank you!

[1] - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam

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