I do not quite understand ...

Why is it such a big deal to track the guy down?  Perhaps he just gave
up Ubuntu entirely, or is going through something in his real life that
prevents him from hopping online.  If he is staying away from the
computer and/or the Ubuntu community willingly, we should respect that.

idleone wrote:
> Hi Collin and Fabian,
> Does #ubuntu-qc have logs and can we search them for any clue as to why
> Jeremy may have stop coming to the channel or taken a "break" from irc?
> Collin same questions for #ubuntu-beginners. Might be a good idea to
> search the logs.
> IdleOne 
> On Mon, 2010-03-29 at 08:48 -0400, Fabian Rodriguez wrote:
>> Hi Collin. I am forwarding this to the QC team. I had noticed his
>> absence too from our channel.
>> Qq'un aurait des nouvelles de Jeremy ? J'ai aussi remarqué son absence
>> sur IRC.
>> Merci de répondre directement à Collin en CC à moi.
>> Fabian
>> 514-880-6322
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject:     Inquiering about Jeremy Pallats - starcraftman
>> Date:        Sun, 28 Mar 2010 20:01:54 -0400
>> From:        Collin Pruitt <hel...@ubuntu.com>
>> To:  i...@fabianrodriguez.com
>> Hello there. I am sending you this email to inquire about a member of
>> your LoCo team, Jeremy Pallats/starcraftman.
>> I am a member of the Ubuntu Beginners Team - a team primarily centered
>> around helping new users get involved in the Ubuntu community. Multiple
>> members of our team are concerned about Jeremy due to the fact that he
>> has not logged in to Freenode IRC in over 7 weeks, and the forums in 4
>> weeks. Multiple team members have sent emails to his email addresses,
>> without reply.
>> Could you provide any information as to why he has been absent for so long?
>> Best Regards,
>> Collin Pruitt (Hellow)
>> ---
>> Collin Pruitt
>> Ubuntu Member
>> http://hellow.ath.cx/

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