Since others have been very capably discussing the issues surrounding
"installer packages", I won't add much to that conversation except to
make the observation that Go follows an established model for building
projects with other's code (eg, ruby gems, python pip, etc). There is
nothing wrong with this and I have no problem with developers leveraging
these tools for their own projects since it is something that they
actively opt in to. The problem comes when an "installer package" that
comes from the archive wraps all this up for the user and pulls down
code that is isn't verified or maintained by the distribution. If that
"installer package" is in main, who is responsible for the authenticity
of the downloaded software or for its maintenance?

So, putting the installer package issue aside, juju-core is the first Go
software to pursue main inclusion and those responsible for maintenance
of the Ubuntu archive realize that we need to be careful with how we
proceed to make sure that we set the proper precedents and go down a
sustainable path that works for everyone. I'd like to give my
perspective on Go in Ubuntu to try to avoid an impasse.

Go is marketed as an open source programming language that makes it easy
to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. People are excited
about it and its clear that we want to support Go in Ubuntu. Interesting
software is being written in Go, whether that is juju, scopes, click
apps and more. The Go community wants to use golang-gc over golang-gccgo
and I recognize that viewpoint.

Conversations surrounding Go have been challenging because Go was not
designed with traditional OS distribution methods in mind (it statically
links its runtime[1], uses remote code imports and encourages embedding
code copies), yet we are trying to leverage Go using traditional
distibution methods (ie, including Go software in the Ubuntu archive
with Canonical support). If we take a step back, I think we have a
disconnect where the Go developers may not be fully considering the
problems of the Go model with regard to Canonical support while at the
same time the traditional OS developers (ie, the ones responsible for
the archive and its support) may not fully appreciate the needs of the
Go community.

Go's model of statically compiling software works fine for developers
and administrators who are responsible for supporting their software and
I have no objections with providing the tools to make Go development
great on Ubuntu. I believe the developer model works mostly ok with
click packages because click is about empowering developers to deliver
their software in a manner that is much less dependent on the OS. Go
developers can develop using standard Go techniques then package as
click and things are mostly fine. That said, I challenge the proponents
of Go in Ubuntu to consider how we can have a better developer story for
people developing on Ubuntu-- namely, if Ubuntu provides the Go runtime
and compiler that developers then use to statically compile their apps,
what can we do to alert developers that they (or someone) should
recompile when we update our runtime for a security update. While we
could probably get away with just saying that developers are solely
responsible for tracking Ubuntu's security updates, I can't help but
feel we are doing the Go developers on Ubuntu a disservice if we take
this stance.

Go's model of statically compiling software doesn't work well for packages we 
deliver using the Ubuntu archive for a number of reasons:
1. static linking means recompiling all applications that use the standard 
library when there is an update to it
2. Debian has developed a methodology[2] for delivering Go software in its 
archive and this is available in Ubuntu. Essentially you use modern dh 
techniques with dh_golang and Build-Depends on whatever golang-*-dev packages 
you need. The golang-*-dev packages are unpacked into /usr/share/gocode and 
GOPATH is set to /usr/share/gocode. The compile proceeds as normal, statically 
linking into a monolithic binary (that inclues the developer's compiled code, 
the Go runtime and whatever was needed from /usr/share/gocode). At the time of 
this writing, there are 36 'golang-*-dev' packages in the archive, 18 of which 
are specified as a Build-Depends in 9 unique source packages.
3. remote imports are possible with Go, but impossible on our buildds, which 
promotes the use of embedded code copies
4. embedded code copies are extremely problematic for tracking security 
vulnerabilities since it is impossible to programmatically ascertain all 
packages that embed a particular source or to know what version was embedded
5. assuming we were able to enumerate all the software that embedded a given Go 
library along with its version, embedding code copies means we have to patch 
everything that embedded the software where each may have to be individually 
patched for the different version

Developers and administrators responsible for their own software will of
course feel the burden of maintaining software using Go's model, but
they are in a position to weigh the costs and benefits and also
implement infrastructure surrounding their deployments (ie, they control
their remote import trees, have automation for triggering builds, etc).
Clearly, the juju team has done some of this already for their own work.
I have no doubt that the juju team would support juju for the next 5
years and supporting a single source package and its embedded code
copies is not particularly difficult. However, I want to be very careful
of any precedents we set here and think about when we will have 50 or
500 Go source packages in Ubuntu that are officially supported.

Thinking about the 5 support problems I listed (there could be more), I
think there needs to be further discussion for how we want to support Go
software in general in the archive. I've given this quite a bit more
thought and have softened my stance; I'll list why here since a lot of
eyes are on this bug (note, these thoughts are only for officially
supported Go software in the archive. Go developers shipping software in
universe, as click or some other method are not necessarily limited by

1. The static linking problem can be addressed in a couple ways:
 * We use gccgo since gccgo supports dynamic linking. I've been a supporter of 
this coming from the perspective that if gccgo works well and we package the 
libraries in Ubuntu, then supporting Go in Ubuntu is easy because we are really 
good with this model-- it fits well with our existing practices. I believe 
gccgo is the most correct approach since Ubuntu engineers are experts in 
maintaining software in this fashion and because of all the benefits of shared 
libraries (not least of which is download size, which is increasingly important 
for the phone). The problem is, Go developers don't use gccgo and as mentioned 
in this bug, it doesn't work as well as it should. Furthermore, if Ubuntu 
insists on using gccgo, Go developers will probably avoid Ubuntu. We could take 
a middleground approach wth gccgo and make golang-gc development really great 
on Ubuntu, but make it policy that officially supported Go software must use 
gccgo (and we devote resources to fixes gccgo's deficiencies). I fe
 ar this hybrid approach will cause trouble for engineering teams though, since 
people may have to wrestle with two different compilers and it might stifle 
community contributions from people who only use golang-gc. Using gccgo doesn't 
solve all the issues either (see below)
 * We figure out how to have a reasonable support story using golang-go. One 
idea is that we could consider automatically performing no-change uploads to 
-proposed with some bug automation if we update the runtime in an SRU/security 
update. All packages in main are supposed to have a team subscribed to them, so 
that team would be responsible for verifying the package in -proposed. This 
seems to be in the spirit of Go development-- teams choosing to use Go are 
responsible for recompiling and retesting and a team's choice of Go will have 
to consider this cost.
2. If using golang-gc, it should be policy for main inclusion that Go software 
follow Debian's GoPackaging[2] without exception. We should all work together 
and participate with Debian on refining GoPackaging so it addresses our 
concerns and works as well as it can. If using gccgo, developers should use 
dynamic linking and we should make sure it works well for developers
3. It should be policy that remote imports not be allowed. This is easy to 
enforce-- packages with remote imports won't build on the buildd anyway
4. It should be policy that embedding code copies for Go is not allowed and we 
should block until the embedded code copy is moved to a golang-*-dev package 
and the package use it. Embedded copies are actively discouraged now with 
non-Go software, but between the Go paradigm promoting embedding, lack of 
remote imports and lack of existing Go libraries in the archive, it will be 
tempting to just embed rather than package as golang-*-dev. Canonical engineers 
should package their own Go libaries so as a company we can support our own 
code. If we do this, then we are able to track security vulnerabilties. Eg the 
security team could add automation to see what is affected (ie needs to be 
recompiled) and have reasonable reporting.
5. If we do '4', then no-change uploads with golong-gc or dynamic libraries 
with gccgo solves much of the patch burden

If we do this with golang-gc (gccgo would follow established update
procedures), then right away if there is a security update or SRU in
golang-foo-dev, we can do 'reverse-depends -b golang-foo-dev' to see
what needs no change rebuilds. In the short term, these can be uploaded
manually. Once the number of security updates and SRUs for Go packages
and their corresponding no change upload rebuilds becomes unwieldy, we
should look into automating the no change rebuilds. At first we could
trigger on all rdepends, but long term, perhaps we could figure out how
to declare what changed in the update and have the no change auto builds
mechanism detect what needs to be built based on that.

I realize that this was a long response, but I've personally come to the
conclusion that while I still believe the gccgo approach is most
correct, we need to support Go development in a way that is consistent
with the wider Go community since that provides the most benefit.
Developers may of course choose to use gccgo, but my current thinking is
that based on various conversations with Go developers, efforts to
improve gccgo might be better spent making golang-go supportable and
this necessarily means stretching our existing policies and processes. I
don't claim that my ideas fully address all concerns, but I do think
they demonstrate there is a path forward and for both sides to reach
common ground. If we are in agreement that we can move forward without
gccgo, I suggest the various teams work together to define the policies
and procedures for moving forward on the mailing list and UDS.


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  [MIR] juju-core, juju-mongodb, gccgo-go, gccgo-4.9, golang

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