Blueprint changed by Robbie Williamson:

Whiteboard changed:
  Work Items:
  Package Puppet 2.7: TODO
  Package Puppet dashboard (on mysql/apache): TODO
  Package modules: TODO
  [negronj] Make/package current orchestra modules to function without 
orchestra provisioning: TODO
  Puppet Modules:
  [negronjl] apache: DONE
  [negronjl] puppet-apt helper: DONE
  [negronjl] debconf helper module: DONE
  [negronjl] distcc: DONE
  [negronjl] gearman: DONE
  [negronjl] glusterfs: DONE
  [negronjl] hadoop: DONE
  [negronjl] haproxy ( with apache and tomcat integration ): DONE
  [negronjl] mongodb: DONE
  [negronjl] mpi ( mpich2 ): DONE
  [negronjl] mysql: DONE
  [negronjl] tomcat ( tomcat6): DONE
  Orchestra modules needed:
  rsyslog: TODO
  nagios: TODO
  cobbler: TODO
  bzr/git: TODO
  fs creation/management: TODO
  jenkins (master and slave): TODO
  ha cluster (drbd, pacemaker, corosync, cman): : TODO
  kvm (host and guest?): TODO
  Xen: TODO
  [gandelman-a] OpenStack: TODO
  Common modules needed:
  Mail server: TODO
  LAMP stack: TODO
  samba: TODO
  PostgreSQL: TODO
  Print server ( cups ): TODO
  rsyslog: TODO
  Hadoop: TODO
  Eucalyptus: TODO
- Openstack:
-  * [gandelman-a] Nova, single server: TODO
-  * [gandelman-a] Nova, multi-server: TODO
-  * [gandelman-a] Swift, single server: TODO
-  * [gandelman-a] Swift, multi-server: TODO
-  * [gandelman-a] Glance: TODO
+  [gandelman-a] Nova, single server: TODO
+  [gandelman-a] Nova, multi-server: TODO
+  [gandelman-a] Swift, single server: TODO
+  [gandelman-a] Swift, multi-server: TODO
+  [gandelman-a] Glance: TODO
  Test modules within vanilla Ubuntu/Puppet infrastructure: TODO
  Test modules within Ubuntu/Orchestra infrastructure: TODO

Ubuntu Server Puppet Integration

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