
Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online, with
the irc logs, here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/20071023.

== Review previous meeting ACTION points ==

soren plans to send an email to debian-devel to discuss the MTA change.

== State of Xen in Ubuntu ==

zul raised the topic of Xen in Ubuntu. Support for Xen in Gutsy is not
as good as in Feisty, mainly due to lack of testing. mathiaz confirmed
that there was a discussion about virtualization scheduled for UDS, also
it may not be about xen only. mathiaz suggested to create a wiki page to
discuss and track what should be done for Hardy.

avatar_ mentioned the #ubuntu-xen channel as a place where people
interested in xen hang out. However there isn't any mailing list
specific to xen. zul thought about creating a Xen team. mathiaz agreed
it would be a good idea in the mid-term, but hardy should be focused on

ACTION: zul will create a wiki page XenSupportInHardy to describe what
is needed for xen.

== Review each section of the ServerTeam/Roadmap ==

=== Packager ===

mathiaz reminded that the archive for hardy has been setup and is opened
for upload. That means that the merge process has started. Forwarding
relevant patches to Debian is encouraged to minimize the deltas. 

https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Debian/Usertagging describes tags that
should be used when forwarding patches to Debian BTS.

=== Documentor ===

==== Server guide review ===

sommer keeps working on the Server Guide review.

==== Tagging bugs for documentation update ====

ScottK mentioned a bug that he fixed in Courrier which requires a
documentation update. mathiaz asked if there was a way to track bugs
that requires documentation updates. It seems that there isn't such a

ACTION: mathiaz will send a email to ubuntu-doc about this issue, using
ScottK courrier bug as an example.

==== Update of factoids ====

nealmcb is still working on adding and updating the factoids.

== Upcoming Ubuntu Developer Summit ==

mathiaz reminded that UDS will take place next week in Boston. A list of
blueprints that will be discussed can be found here:

The summit will be preceded by FOSScamp during the weekend:

== Next meeting ==

The next meeting will be hold on Tuesday, November the 6th, at 15:00 UTC
in #ubuntu-meeting.


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