Dear list-members,

i'm installing ubuntu-server 8.0.4 on a ibm-server xseries 232. The
installation fails because some files from the CD cannot be read.

I tried the following:
- Downloaded Ubuntu from mirror and check MD5sum after download. - ok
- Burnt iso-file to a CD.
- Boot from CD works.
- I've choosen the "Check-CD" function; it stops with error:
"The ./dists/hardy/main/binary_i386/Packages.gz failed the MD5 checksum
verification. Your CD-ROM or this file may have been corrupted."

I downloaded the iso several times and burnt different CDs.
I updated the bios of the server.
I changed the CD/DVD-drive of the server.
But nothing helped. :-(
In another PC all my CDs can be chacked without problems.

Are there any known issues with this ibm hardware? Has anyone a hint
which additional tests i can run?

Regards, Florian

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