Hi folks,

I've just had a call from a client who's VMware-server installation
stopped working after a power failure. Turns out that there was a kernel
update on their machine and that the VMware modules were not updated. (I
didn't think kernel updates could be done in an unattended form {gutsy
workstation}, but that seems not to be the case.)

In the server meeting on the 23rd of April I raised the issue of the
VMware kernel modules (in the context of a hardy release) and nijaba
advised us that this was all in the hands of those managing the partner

My questions are simple:

   1. How is it possible that a kernel update goes through even if there
      is not a newer release of the VMware modules available?
   2. Who is responsible for making the partner repository up to date?

I've lodged a bug about the missing kernel modules:

Now it is entirely possible that I erred in installing vmware-server
using the gutsy partner repository, if that is the case, I need to go
around to several clients to fix their VMware installations. Better
still, what is the partner repository for?

Of course as you may know, locally on my development workstation I've
been making progress with kvm/kqemu and working on migrating VMware
images, but I'm no-where comfortable with moving clients to a new platform.

Comments, suggestions, brick-bats, clue-bats are all welcome, because
frankly I'm stumped on how to get this resolved on a process basis,
rather than ad-hoc, which is how it has seemed to happen in the past.

Onno Benschop

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