Actually looking for comments and advice on the attached script.

On Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 12:48 PM, Charliej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 2008-09-13 at 10:24 -0400, Jim Tarvid wrote:
> > Rough cut on an install script. usage install_drupal user pass domain
> > dbpass dbname
> > The intent is to install drupal in user space such that http://domain/
> > brings up Drupal's install screen.
> >
> > This would allow users to design their website and prepare it for
> > uploading to a public server.
> >
> > To do that
> > 1) add the user
> > 2) build the skeleton at /home/user
> > 3) download and install drupal 6.4 from
> > 4) prep the drupal install tree
> > 5) fix ownership and permissions
> > 6) create the mysql user and database
> > 7) create the apache virtual config file and enable
> Not sure if this is what your looking for but gallery2 would be a good
> *example* package to look at for 1-7 and 10(apache2), debconf and
> wwwconfig-common are your friends. Not sure about the rest.=)
> > 8) create the bind9 zone and add to named.conf.local
> > 9) add domain to /etc/hosts file
> > 10 reload bind9 and apache2
> >
> > Some obvious improvements
> > 1) error check the parameters
> > 2) test existence before creating users, apache config files, bind
> > files, hosts modifications
> > 3) error checking and recovery
> >
> > This could lead to an ubuntu package
> >
> > I'd appreciate wisdom and advice.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > ubuntu-server mailing list
> >
> >
> > More info:

echo user=$1
echo password=$2
echo domain=$3
echo dbpass=$4
echo dbname=$5
useradd $1 -p `mkpasswd $2` 
mkdir /home/$1
mkdir /home/$1/public_html
cd /home/$1/public_html
tar xzvf drupal-6.4.tar.gz
mv drupal-6.4 $3
mkdir /home/$1/public_html/$3/sites/all/modules
mkdir /home/$1/public_html/$3/sites/all/themes
mkdir /home/$1/public_html/$3/sites/default/files
chmod -R 777 /home/$1/public_html/$3/sites/default/files
cp /home/$1/public_html/$3/sites/default/default.settings.php 
chmod 777 /home/$1/public_html/$3/sites/default/settings.php
chown -R $1.$1 /home/$1
mysql -uroot -p$4 -e "DROP USER '$1'@'localhost';"
mysql -uroot -p$4 -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS $5;"
mysql -uroot -p$4 -e "CREATE USER '$1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$2';"
mysql -uroot -p$4 -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS $5;"
mysql -uroot -p$4 -e "GRANT USAGE ON $5.* TO '$1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 
mysql -uroot -p$4 -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $5.* TO '$1'@'localhost';"
mysql -uroot -p$4 -e "flush privileges;"
echo "<VirtualHost *>" >/etc/apache2/sites-available/$3
echo "  DocumentRoot /home/$1/public_html/$3" >>/etc/apache2/sites-available/$3
echo "  ServerName $3" >>/etc/apache2/sites-available/$3
echo "  <Directory /home/$1/public_html/$3>" >>/etc/apache2/sites-available/$3
echo "    allow from all" >>/etc/apache2/sites-available/$3
echo "    AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo Indexes Limit Options" 
echo "    Options FollowSymLinks SymLinksIfOwnerMatch +Indexes" 
echo "  </Directory>" >>/etc/apache2/sites-available/$3
echo "  ServerAlias www.$3" >>/etc/apache2/sites-available/$3
echo "</VirtualHost>" >>/etc/apache2/sites-available/$3
a2ensite $3
echo "\$TTL 86400" >/etc/bind/$3
echo "$3.       IN      SOA     www.$3. root.$3. (" >>/etc/bind/$3
echo "    `date +%Y%m%d`00" >>/etc/bind/$3
echo "    8H" >>/etc/bind/$3
echo "    2H" >>/etc/bind/$3
echo "    4W" >>/etc/bind/$3
echo "    1D)" >>/etc/bind/$3
echo "    IN NS `hostname`"  >>/etc/bind/$3
echo "$3 A `ifconfig|awk '/Bcast:/ {print $2}'|cut -d":" -f2`" >>/etc/bind/$3
echo "www.$3 A `ifconfig|awk '/Bcast:/ {print $2}'|cut -d":" -f2`" 
echo "zone \"$3\" {" >>/etc/bind/named.conf.local
echo "  type master;" >>/etc/bind/named.conf.local
echo "  file \"/etc/bind/$3\";" >>/etc/bind/named.conf.local
echo "  };" >>/etc/bind/named.conf.local
echo " $3" >>/etc/hosts
/etc/init.d/bind9 reload
/etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload

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