On 05/05/2009 09:54 AM, Laurent Dinclaux wrote:
> 2009/5/5 Nick Barcet <nick.bar...@canonical.com>:
> So what value should I give to "mem" in my "cheetahtemplate" to have a
> VM with 512Mo ?

I would not personally modify the template to assign memory to the vm,
just use the "mem" parameters from the command line or a config file. As
for the value, it is expected in Mb at this level, and Kb in at the
libvirt level (hence * 1024 factor you noted earlier in the template).

> What should I put in the cheetatemplate to make use of bridge
> interface, bridge = br0? In with section, [DEFAULT] ?

Config files and templates are quite different things. I tried to
explain what config files are, and the usage for the different sections
at [1].  I would personally define bridge=br0 in the default section as
it can apply to any distro and hypervisors.

> I can't find a page that list all availbale options to use with vmbuilder...

Yes, this is a problem due to the plugin architecture of vmbuilder.  As
explained at [2] the --help mechanism is the only way to get more
details about arguments for a specific distro and hypervisor.



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