> Alvin wrote:
>>   Why not Ubuntu?
>>   - ZFS (does not need much explanation)

Not looking to make excuse, but just so you know, ZFS on Linux is
unlikely to happen due to licensing issue:


>>   These run Jaunty because of the above bugs and because of a regression 
>> [bug 
>> 224138] "No NFS modules in karmic 32-bit"

Again, not trying to make excuse, and not sure I understand the problem
correctly, but that sounds like an overstatement.  It seems like the
-virtual kernel flavor is missing some modules (including those for
NFS*v4*), but you could just as well use the -generic or -server flavor.
 Or am I misunderstanding something?

>>   - [bug 374907] "libmotif3 crashes"
>> Sometimes you hear: "it's open source. Don't complain and fix it yourself." 
>> That's partly true. I'm not a programmer, but I was able to patch libmotif3 
>> to 
>> solve the crashes.
>> The kind people in ubuntu-bugs also managed to convince me that I could 
>> package the new version of openmotif myself and put it in Debian. Maybe I'll 
>> learn how to do that, so that bug can at least be closed. I can understand 
>> that there is not a lot of interest in this package, but we need it and will 
>> probably need it for some time to come.

IIRC, the Citrix ICA client depends on OpenMotif (not sure which
version), so that bug would be a biggie indeed if it breaks the ICA
Client.  We have been using the ICA Client on hardy without any problem
so far, but I am putting that on my radar.  Thanks for the heads up, I
will be looking into it.

>> What I can't understand is that there would be no interest in NFS. Is 
>> everyone 
>> using samba between unix machines these days?

To be honest, yes.  NFS is only really useful for read-only share, as
NFS  < v4 does not have any form of authentication, where CIFS mount can
be authenticated.  It is still not good enough, as the file operation
themselves are not encrypted (supposed to come in Samba any time now),
but it is a step in the right direction.  NFSv4, because of its reliance
on Kerberos, is too hairy to set up in most case.

In general, I try to avoid NFS whenever possible, except for trivial
things.  CIFS with Unix Extensions has been serving me well so far.

But thanks for your feedbacks, you are doing the right thing.  I am not
working in the distro team (I am in Corporate Services), so I cannot do
anything to help with your bugs directly, but I think it is a very good
thing that we get this kind of feedback.

Etienne Goyer
Technical Account Manager - Canonical Ltd
Ubuntu Certified Instructor   -    LPIC-3

 ~= Ubuntu: Linux for Human Beings =~

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