On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 3:30 AM, Nikolai K. Bochev
<n.boc...@grandstarco.com> wrote:
> I am currently ( karmic ) using virt-manager from a PPA ( 
> https://launchpad.net/~dnjl/+archive/virtualization ) along with libvirt and 
> qemu/kvm from there. It would be really nice if virt-manager gets the needed 
> attention, since for now it is really the only viable option if you want to 
> work with KVM under a graphical environment. Not to mention it's the only way 
> to actually view a console of virtual machines and easy add/remove 
> devices/ram/whatever again to a remote KVM server ( yes i know and i can use 
> the CLI commands, but it's a different experience ). You can actually view 
> the cpu/net/hdd loads with virt-manager in real time also, the CLI doesn't 
> give you that , at least not in such a nice way. If ubuntu wants to push KVM 
> as virtualization tech, you should support all the tools for it.

So again, I'm not debating the utility of virt-manager -- I think it
certainly is a useful tool that fits a need that you and other users

And I'm certainly not suggesting that we drop it from the archive, but
rather move it from Main to Universe such that our stated support
model actually matches the reality we have -- it's a GUI program that
the Ubuntu Server Team doesn't maintain, and a Server-related program
that doesn't fit the Desktop Team's current charter.


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