El dc 18 de 08 de 2010 a les 23:07 +0100, en/na Matthew East va
> Hi Adam,
> On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 8:01 PM, Adam Sommer <asomme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> 2. We could take the serverguide out of the ubuntu-docs bzr branch /
> >> source package, and put it in its own bzr branch which wouldn't be a
> >> source package and which wouldn't have the same constraints. That
> >> would raise some process issues about how the docteam would manage the
> >> separate branch and translations of the guide, which is a conversation
> >> I'm happy to have, but equally would be quite a big change so we
> >> should discuss it carefully. Possible disadvantages might include
> >> having to manage different processes for different documents; and
> >> potential divergence of common files used (such as those in the "libs"
> >> folder).
> >
> > I think it should be pretty easy to keep the libs directory synced between a
> > serverguide branch and the main ubuntu-docs branch.  I imagine bzr merge
> > will come in quite handy for this.  The process should work pretty easy
> > between all common files.
> Yes, bzr merge -r works fine for things like this, but we've found
> with kubuntu-docs and xubuntu-docs branches that the common files
> diverge pretty quickly, probably just because of a lack of people
> taking care of things like this. The same might not be true of
> serverguide given how well you've taken care of the document over the
> past few cycles :)
> > Seems like overall the process for contributing to the serverguide branch
> > will be very similar to the ubuntu-docs branch as well.  We'll need to
> > update the instructions in the wiki, but hopefully it won't be too
> > complicated for new contributors.
> > Another idea that comes to mind is potentially adding some type of shell
> > script to the ubuntu-docs package that would create a local branch.
> From the docteam's point of view, one thing that is made more
> cumbersome by separating documents into a separate package is the need
> to get that different branch in order to commit a small fix, or to
> build html to put on help.ubuntu.com. Currently, building
> help.ubuntu.com is (with the exception of the installation-guide
> document) all done from a single command in the root directory of the
> bzr branch, but creating more branches would make that process
> potentially more complex.
> What I think we should investigate is an easy way for ubuntu-doc
> contributors to grab documents which might be located in different bzr
> branches around the place so that html can be built. It would be
> awesome if we could establish some kind of "meta-branch" with the
> ability to bring in branches of relevance to ubuntu-docs into one
> place. I heard once of a "nesting" feature of bzr, so will investigate
> whether this could do what we like. On another thread we're discussing
> the possibility of docteam contributors becoming more involved in help
> files which are shipped in packages outside ubuntu-docs, such as
> software-center, and this sort of process would be useful to that too.
> > I'm fuzzy on the translations aspect... what issues can you see with
> > creating a separate serverguide branch?  I imagine that would require them
> > to look into two different places for translations?
> From the translation point of view, it's a question of making sure
> that the serverguide is discoverable for translators so that it gets
> their attention in the same way that it does now. Launchpad provides
> the ability to import/export translations from branches
> semi-automatically, so the process itself shouldn't be problematic.
> But given that the document wouldn't appear in the ubuntu-docs package
> any more, the translations would have to take place in the "upstream"
> area of Launchpad, rather than the "distro" area. That might be fine,
> as long as it is well documented. I've added David Planella for his
> thoughts (David, sorry to drop you into the middle of this thread, but
> hopefully the context is reasonably clear from the quotes above).

No worries, the context is very clear, but sorry for the delay in

Just as a reminder, with regards to translations there are mainly two
places where translations can be exposed:

      * On the upstream project in Launchpad
        (https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docs or
              * Advantages:
                      * You can use automatic imports: commit a
                        translation template (.pot file) and it will be
                        exposed in Launchpad
                      * You can use automatic exports: let Launchpad
                        commit translations automatically in a bzr
                        branch of your choice
              * Disadvantages:
                      * Less discoverability for Ubuntu translators, who
                        usually work on the distro space 
      * On the distro space, in the Ubuntu package
              * Advantages:
                      * Easily discoverable by translators, in the same
                        space as all other distro translations they
                        usually work on
              * Disadvantages:
                      * Need to manually upload templates
                      * Need to manually download templates

So now I'd recommend the distro space for translations, regardless of
the disadvantages, as it's the place you'll get the most translations
from. Also for the translators benefit: they don't have to look for
external (i.e. outside the distro) projects when translating.

In the near feature, a feature allowing message sharing across Launchpad
projects and Ubuntu packages will get you the best of both worlds:
packages will be exposed for translations, and translations will flow to
the upstream project in Launchpad, enabling the use of automatic exports
for the upstream project.

Regardless of the decision, if there are any changes, please remember to
drop an e-mail to the ubuntu-translators list, so they are aware of
them, especially now that we're past doc string freeze.



David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
www.ubuntu.com / www.davidplanella.wordpress.com
www.identi.ca/dplanella / www.twitter.com/dplanella

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