This seems like a good forum to talk about the work we're doing with
Puppet and Cobbler (and I'm aware that thus far, we haven't talked much
about the Cobbler work, but thats only because we've been moving really

Any volunteers?

-------- Forwarded Message --------
> From: James Turnbull <>
> Reply-to: cobbler mailing list <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Call for talks for the Configuration Management DevRoom at
> fosdem 2011
> Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 13:45:18 -0800
> Hash: SHA1
> **Call for talks for the Configuration Management DevRoom at fosdem 2011**
> FOSDEM 2011 -
> 6 February 2011, 09:00 to 17:00, Brussels, Belgium
> Contact:
> We will be holding a Configuration Management DevRoom at fosdem 2011 and
> are requesting abstracts for structured presentations now.
> Important information, dates:
>       ? Submission deadline for abstracts: 2011-01-08
>       ? Notification of accepted speakers: 2011-01-10
>       ? Final schedule: 2011-01-11
> **About this DevRoom**
> Configuration Management is exciting!  It is. Really. There is huge
> interest in automation, configuration management and especially PAAS,
> SAAS, IAAS and the cloud generally.  We're seeking people who are
> working the field, interested in the field, or just interested in
> learning more about how to make their lives easier with automation and
> configuration management.
> We invite you to submit talks on these topics:
> * Configuration Management theory principles
> * Configuration Management tools - real world use cases
> * Tools, techniques and case studies
> * Configuration Management and the Cloud
> * Configuration Management, Compliance and Security
> NOTE:  Puppet Labs is helping organise this room but we're looking for
> talks on more than Puppet!  We're looking for CFengine, Chef, bcfg2,
> AutomateIT, and the myriad of other tools out there.
> ** Your submission must include:**
>       * Your name
>       * The title of your talk
>       * A short abstract of one to two paragraphs (150 words, max.)
>       * A short biography
>       * Links to related websites/blogs etc.
> Send the abstracts to:
> Presentations are to be formal and not longer than 30 minutes, plus 15
> extra for questions (45 in total). Panels with more than one speaker are
> something we're also seeking, a "My configuration management tools is
> the awesomest and I'll debate that!" is possible, as are shorter
> presentations of 20 minutes.  We're also exploring some un-conference
> style presentations too.
> The deadline for submissions is January 8th 2011. If your
> proposal has been accepted, you will be informed by email by January
> 10th 2011.
> Please feel free to forward this call for abstracts and papers to
> relevant lists, people and sites. We're looking forward to seeing lots
> of interested folks, have lots of spirited presentations, debates,
> discussion and ... quite possibly drinking.
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Darwin)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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> =oM7D
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