Hi, I would like to reach out to the Ubuntu cloud community for volunteers willing and interested in contributing code/scripts/tools to help Ubuntu reach its goal of being the best Cloud Operating System. I've written a blueprint of a missing tool that I'd like to work on with interested community members. Here's the BP https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/cloud-server-n-ec2-migrate-region Work on this tool is bite-sized and easy to chew on, so if it's your first time writing such a tool, you're very welcome to take a shot!

I've also put a page with more details, here's an excerpt
"Want a chance to hack on the cloud? Yes Ubuntu cloud code? What could possibly be cooler! For us cloud geeks, almost nothing! So, here's the deal. Ubuntu aims to be the best operating system for the cloud, period. Part of that is delivering code and utilities to ease common tasks for people working with Ubuntu as a guest cloud OS ..." Read More at http://cloud.ubuntu.com/community/call/

Please ping me if you're interested in hacking on this tool, so that we can work together. I'm be happy to help contributors in any way I can. Please ping me (kim0) on #ubuntu-cloud. Let's start hacking!


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