I  am having a virtualization setup via KVM on a Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit server.

A recent dbus update cause a crash of my Host OS.It was a post install
script of dbus which ultimately brought everything down.

Now I have to basically format the host OS.My cause of concern are the
virtual machines which were running on it when the environment was
stable.Which were in separate LVM partitions.

Some thing like

If some one has experienced recovery of this sort in past let me know
what did they do to get things back. All my Virtual Machines were on
separate partition and in same VolumeGroup this volume group was on
Host OS. Will formatting of HOST os clear the Virtual Machines also in
my situation or just be re installing the host and importing the
Virtual Machines via a tool such as virt-manager I will be able to get
them back.

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