On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Tapas Mishra <mightydre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am compiling xen from source and each time I do a `make world`
> it basically gives some or the other error
> my problem are not those errors ( I am trying to debug them)
> but the problem is each time when I do a `make world`
> Xen basically pulls things from git repository
>    + rm -rf linux-2.6-pvops.git linux-2.6-pvops.git.tmp
>    + mkdir linux-2.6-pvops.git.tmp
>    + rmdir linux-2.6-pvops.git.tmp
>    + git clone -o xen -n
> git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/jeremy/xen.git
> linux-2.6-pvops.git.tmp
>    Initialized empty Git repository in
> /usr/src/xen-4.0.1/linux-2.6-pvops.git.tmp/.git/
>    remote: Counting objects: 1941611, done.
>    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (319127/319127), done.
> remote: Total 1941611 (delta 1614302), reused 1930655 (delta 1604595)
> **Receiving objects: 20% (1941611/1941611), 98.17 MiB | 87 KiB/s, done.**
> and if you notice the last line it is still consuming my bandwidth
> pulling things from internet.How can I stop this step each time and
> use existing git repository?
> --
When I searched an answer to this question I came across a link

but I am not able to clearly understand where Boris mentions

make xen etc.
"Then clone JF's Git Repo, checkout git branch as you want and build
kernel.That's all i always do."
Which kernel is he referring to is it Dom0?

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