On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 7:25 AM, Jamie McDonald <jm...@iclebyte.com> wrote:
> Afternoon,
> Perhaps everyone knows this but I've had trouble getting Cobbler to work
> correctly on 10.04 LTS. I spoke with someone on IRC and they said alot of
> effort had been going into Cobbler for Natty.
> As a result I tried to get it working under Natty Alpha 3 in a VM and found
> the Web UI did not work correctly using the default package.
> I've outlined the steps required to make it work in the hope it might help
> someone else.
> ######################################
> Cobbler inital config on natty-alpha3
> ######################################
> apt-get install cobbler
> a2enmod proxy_http
> cd /etc/apache2/conf.d
> ln -s /etc/cobbler/cobbler_web.conf cobbler_web.conf
> Edit cobbler_web.conf and comment out line 9 so it reads
>  -------------------------------------------------
>  #CustomLog logs/access_log combined env=!dontlog
>  -------------------------------------------------
> cd /var/www
> rm cobbler_webui_content
> ln -s /usr/share/cobbler/webroot/cobbler_webui_content/
> cobbler_webui_content
> ##################################
> Configure cobbler to allow logins
> ##################################
> Edit /etc/cobbler/modules.conf
> Change the line which reads
>  -----------------
>   [authentication]
>   module = authn_denyall
>  -----------------
> So that it actually says
>  -----------------
>   [authentication]
>   module = authn_configfile
>  -----------------
> ###############
> Now add a user
> ###############
> htdigest /etc/cobbler/users.digest "Cobbler" myusername
> #####################
> Restart all services
> #####################
> service apache2 stop
> service cobbler stop
> service apache2 start
> service apache2 start
> I've also posted this as a bug for the package in Launchpad:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cobbler/+bug/741661
> I hope this is the correct procedure? It's my first bug report so please let
> me know if I should do things differently in the future.
> Regards,
> Jamie.

Hi Jamie,

Thanks for your feedback!  We do have a goal of having a working
Cobbler out-of-the-box for Ubuntu 11.04, so your testing and
instructions are very valuable.  We'll take a look at this bug ASAP.


Dustin Kirkland
Ubuntu Core Developer

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