On 02/06/2012 04:40 PM, Robbie Williamson wrote:
> Hello Jorge, where are you looking to have these uploaded?
> Main...Universe...Canonical Partner...or simply have it showup in the
> Software Center via our Application Developer Program[1]?
> -Robbie

Hi Robbie,

these zentyal-* packages are intended to replace existing ebox-* ones in
Universe (eBox Platform was renamed to Zentyal time ago).

Current ebox-* packages are based on the 2.0 version, which is more than
one year old and doesn't work on oneiric because slapd changes.

ebox|zentyal packages have been in universe since hardy release, and
although we maintain our PPA with the latest packages, we would like to
be integrated with Ubuntu as much as possible, keeping packages in
Universe in a good shape and eventually in the future (not for precise),
move to main.

As I said, we wouldn't like to see how Precise is shipped with broken
Zentyal packages when we have made the effort to prepare new ones.


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