adding ubuntu-server list

On 02/20/2012 10:18 AM, Michael Galloway wrote:
> good day all,
> we have an existing HPC cluster we are wanting to stand up with
> openstack. last week we began experimenting with orchestra/juju as our
> provisioning system and we seem to get stuck at the deploy services
> state with juju, which we have
> gone through a couple of times.
> i have orchestra up and running and juju bootstrapped per this guide:
> a bit edited for brevity:
> ubuntu@kbase-b:~$ sudo cobbler list
> distros:
>    oneiric-i386
>    oneiric-x86_64
>    precise-i386
>    precise-x86_64
> profiles:
>    oneiric-i386
>    oneiric-i386-juju
>    oneiric-x86_64
>    oneiric-x86_64-juju
>    precise-i386
>    precise-i386-juju
>    precise-x86_64
>    precise-x86_64-juju
> systems:
>    node066.kbase.lan
> repos:
>    oneiric-i386
>    oneiric-i386-security
>    oneiric-x86_64
>    oneiric-x86_64-security
>    precise-i386
>    precise-i386-security
>    precise-x86_64
>    precise-x86_64-security
> images:
> mgmtclasses:
>    orchestra-juju-acquired
>    orchestra-juju-available
> packages:
> files:
> ubuntu@kbase-b:~$ juju status
> 2012-02-20 10:47:42,035 INFO Connecting to environment.
> machines:
>   0: {dns-name: node066.kbase.lan, instance-id:
> services: {}
> 2012-02-20 10:47:42,588 INFO 'status' command finished successfully
> my environments.yaml
> ubuntu@kbase-b:~/.juju$ more environments.yaml
> juju: environments
> environments:
>   orchestra:
>     type: orchestra
>     # Specify the orchestra server's IP address
>     orchestra-server:
>     # Specify storage. In this case we are using webdav installed by
> orchestra.
>     storage-url:
>     # Specify cobbler's usr/pass
>     orchestra-user: cobbler
>     orchestra-pass: cobbler
>     admin-secret: ddddddddddddd
>     # Branch from where we will install ensemble
>     # juju-branch: lp:juju
>     # Mangement classes
>     acquired-mgmt-class: orchestra-juju-acquired
>     available-mgmt-class: orchestra-juju-available
>     default-series: oneiric
> and i've configured the openstack charms per this guide:
> we are looking for some hints about the best way to provision services.
> the last build, we configured a group
> of nodes in orchestra, then used juju to deploy (say, mysql or rabbitmq)
> and the nodes would never boot cleanly.
> i had to make changes to the hosts file on the orchestra server as well
> to get juju to boot strap cleanly.
> i'm guess i'm looking for a bit of general advice/handholding on the
> best way to move forward. thanks!
> --- michael

Robbie Williamson <>

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