On 2013-04-30 12:13, James Page wrote:
Hi Clint
On 30/04/13 18:38, Clint Byrum wrote:
So, one could argue that the current Ubuntu packages, which do link
mongodb to OpenSSL, are violating the AGPL license. There is of course the special exception for system libraries, but that requires that one prove OpenSSL is "a major essential component of the specific operating system on which the executable work runs". Not a huge stretch, but one
that Debian has been reluctant to make.
I raised this directly with 10gen last cycle; they granted Ubuntu a
license exception so that we could enable SSL support with OpenSSL.
I want to see if we can get this generically expanded to support *everyone*.

Nice. Where are license exceptions documented? Seems like they should be at the very least distributed along with MongoDB's source code.

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