Does the migration to the HWE kernel in Precise (at some point) effect
the UCA work? I understand that after the next point release, the HWE
kernel will likely be the default.

Ref: (UDS Session on 12.04.x LTS with HWE Kernel)

This session was just ahead of the UCA session (and I was unable to
attend the the first session so missed it but replayed it later in the

There was a bit more discussion in the Kernel Misc (but this also took
place without much representation from the cloud/server folks though
Brad Figg did at least carry the discussion into the meeting.) Leann is
looking for requirements from cloud/server.

My concern is
a) What will we be testing in UCA (always the original precise LTS
kernel stream)

b) What will we be suggesting "new" users of UCA use

c) Are we going to be locking out newer hardware (ie, dell/HP servers)
if we only test/qual UCA with the original. 

This sounds like another potential test matrix explosion (and maybe it
is being covered by already testing in Raring/Saucy + Precise) but I
thought I'd air the question.


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