== Meeting information ==
 * #ubuntu-meeting: ubuntu-server-team, 25 Jul at 16:01 - 16:16 UTC
 * Full logs at

== Meeting summary ==

=== Review ACTION points from previous meeting ===
The discussion about "Review ACTION points from previous meeting"
started at 16:01.

  * ''ACTION:'' nacc to write a release notes entry on ipv6 netboot
    (carried over)
  * ''ACTION:'' nacc to write a server guide entry on ipv6 netboot
    (carried over)
  * ''ACTION:'' rbasak to add maintainership info to mysql triage page
    (carried over)
  * ''ACTION:'' rharper to write a server guide entry on v2 yaml support
    in cloud-init (carried over)
  * ''ACTION:'' rharper to write a release notes entry on v2 yaml
    support in cloud-init (carried over)

=== Artful Development ===
The discussion about "Artful Development" started at 16:04.

  * ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtfulAardvark/ReleaseSchedule
 * '''Current Work''' (16:04)
  * ''LINK:'' https://trello.com/b/U9HhWyT0/daily-ubuntu-server
 * '''Release Bugs''' (16:06)
  * ''LINK:''

  * no updates

=== Server & Cloud Bugs & SRU/Pending Uploads (slashd, ddstreet) ===
The discussion about "Server & Cloud Bugs & SRU/Pending Uploads (slashd,
ddstreet)" started at 16:07.

  * ''LINK:''

  * ''LINK:''

  * both members are out this week

=== Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (powersj) ===
The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team
(powersj)" started at 16:08.

  * ''LINK:'' https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/
  * last week continued work on cloud-init kvm backend. Submitted SRUs
    for logcheck and postfix
  * this week working on debconf presentation for cloud-init

=== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee) ===
The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team
(smb, sforshee)" started at 16:08.

=== Upcoming Call For Papers ===
The discussion about "Upcoming Call For Papers" started at 16:09.

  * ''LINK:'' https://lwn.net/Calendar/Monthly/cfp/
  * ''LINK:'' http://www.open-zfs.org/wiki/OpenZFS_Developer_Summit
  * ''LINK:''

  * ''LINK:'' https://ubucon.paris/?lang=en
  * Looking at ubucon

=== Ubuntu Server Team Events ===
The discussion about "Ubuntu Server Team Events" started at 16:12.

=== Open Discussion ===
The discussion about "Open Discussion" started at 16:13.

=== Announce next meeting date, time and chair ===
The discussion about "Announce next meeting date, time and chair"
started at 16:15.

  * Next meeting Tuesday, 2017-08-01 at 1600 UTC, chair will be nacc
ubuntu-server mailing list
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