
I just wanted to try 18.04, and it seems LVM, RAID and FDE are all missing in 
the live installer, which seems to be the default. These have worked for what? 
10 years or so? So while the live installer looks good and all, not supporting 
these things isn't really progress.

Will this be fixed before this thing is released, or will there just be a 
workaround saying "just use the old installer"?

PS: RHEL/CentOS has used LVM by default for a decade or more, and for good 
reason. Not using LVM really isn't a good idea unless you have very specific 

Vennlig hilsen

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
(+47) 98013356
GPG Public key: http://karlsbakk.net/roysigurdkarlsbakk.pubkey.txt
Hið góða skaltu í stein höggva, hið illa í snjó rita.

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