## Triage ##

This was to cover bugs touched from Monday through Sunday.

The only bug worth mentioning is LP: #1852758, which was another
instance of a user with a custom MySQL configuration failing the upgrade
because MySQL 8.0 invalidates some old configuration directives.

I think we're getting a good collection of these now. Perhaps we can
adjust the postinst to cover the common cases automatically for users in
time for 20.04.

## Proposed Migration ##

I struggled with this. It wasn't clear to me at all which entries have
previously already been investigated from quite a big list, even with
examining previous reports to this list. Surely most of them have
already been looked at? It wasn't practical to look at them all during
my shift. This continues my general opinion that having this on a daily
rota is not an effective way of helping with proposed migration, since
there's little record of progress on an individual package basis and so
it just seems like a load of duplication of effort.

I did look at mysql-8.0 blocking lz4. This needs fixing in the upstream
MySQL test suite to accomodate changes in lz4. I filed LP: #1853144 and
it turns out that Marc has simultaneously been working on it.

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