
On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 6:47 AM Leroy Tennison
<leroy.tenni...@verizon.net> wrote:
> do-release-upgrade requires the current system have up-to-date patching in 
> order to work. I have a client with a number of Ubuntu 16.04 systems, how 
> long will those packages be available?  If they are going to become 
> unavailable before all Ubuntu 16.04 servers are upgraded, can I download the 
> needed debs and put them on an apt-cacher server (and point to it for 
> updates) until everything is upgraded?

All Ubuntu releases are available online forever (at least so far that
has been the case since Ubuntu's inception in 2004).

During basic & esm support timelines they are available from
archive.ubuntu.com => as you can see precise & trusty are still
available there. Xenial will continue to be available from
archive.ubuntu.com for years to come whilst ESM (Extended Security
Maintainance) still is offered for it by Canonical's Ubuntu Advantage
(See https://ubuntu.com/security/esm for more details).

After a release reaches both end of basic support and end of ESM, it
is mirrored to old-releases.ubuntu.com prior to removal from
archive.ubuntu.com. For example you can astill access the very first
Ubuntu Warty release from 2004 there
http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ .

If a release moved to old-releases.ubuntu.com (i.e. lucid) for
do-release-upgrade to work one may need to change the sources.lists
hostname from archive.ubuntu.com to old-releases.ubuntu.com, but
otherwise it is always possible to install packages and upgrade to a
supported release of Ubuntu.

Thus there is no need to panic =) you can always upgrade. Whilst your
servers are running releases which are past end of basic support, I do
recommend to enroll them into ESM and/or at least Ubuntu Advantage
Basic https://ubuntu.com/security/esm to ensure that you continue to
receive security updates, whilst planning the upgrade to a newer
supported release.

Irrespective of all of the above, if you want to create a local
mirror, you can. To achieve that, you can use apt-cacher, or you can
use our standard tooling to create an Ubuntu mirror. Also, if you have
bandwidth to contribute, you can join our Ubuntu archive mirror
network. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors for more details,
especially the subpages for Scripts / PushMirroring / Monitoring.

> Second question due to my fault, I pressed enter when prompted by molly-guard 
> for the server name at the very end of a do-release-upgrade moving from 
> Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 18.04 and got in a weird state.  I did a manual reboot 
> and sources.list didn't get updated - still refers to xenial.  I discovered 
> this when Postgresql 10 wasn't available.  The kernel is Ubuntu 18 and a 
> check of package versions shows they are Ubuntu 18.04, can I simply get a 
> copy of sources from an Ubuntu 18.04 system and use it?  What else didn't get 
> done due to an improper reboot?  Is there something I can read to determine 
> this and make the necessary changes manually?

Check that "bionic" is used in all sources.list &
sources.list.d/*.list configurations. Do apt update & apt full-upgrade
to ensure all packages are up to date. Check any packages that are no
longer available, and determine if you want to uninstall them from the
system or if you need to start getting updates for them elsewhere. If
you use snaps, check which tracks the snaps are tracking and if the
track is still appropriate for you (i.e. latest/stable, or
latest/stable/ubuntu-18.04, or maybe particular LTS tracks of LXD,

Are more or less what do-release-upgrade does, so it's easy enough to
manually revalidate. Separately, do-release-upgrade leaves upgrade
logs in /var/log so you can read those to see how far it has managed
to do. You can also rerun do-release-upgrade again to see if it can
complete anything that it things it didn't do yet (it might refuse).



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