Bugs last updated on 2021-05-13 (Thursday)
Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
Found 23 bugs

Whist most of them seem to be under control, the ones worth
mentioning are:

LP: #1928367 - (New) [openvpn] - openvpn postinst script restarts with
init.d, resulting in duplicate openvpn processes

Focal-only bug. Fixed in other releases.
The fix is trivial, added bitesize tag but didn't tag as "server-next"
since the importance is "Low" and we have a bunch of important bugs
pending in our server-next queue. That said, I did mention that it
could be SRU'd and mentioned the fixing commit, too.

LP: #1928290, #1928297, #1928329, #1928340 - A bunch of mysql-8.0 bugs

All of them are either invalid or duplicate of existing bugs.
Mentioned a workaround for each of them (either SO or some other forum).

I'll further mention this at our standup.

- u

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