On Fri, 2022-08-26 at 11:30 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 09:42:22AM -0700, Lena Voytek wrote:
> > Bugs last updated on 2022-08-25 (Thursday)
> > Date range identified as: "Friday triage"
> > Found 15 bugs
> > 
> > There were 3 notable bugs
> > 
> > LP: #1986959 <https://pad.lv/1986959> - apache2 - apache2 fails
> > during
> > upgrade to 22.04: ERROR: Conf javascri…
> > User let me know that they did not delete javascript-common.conf
> > when they
> > received the error. Still looking for a way to reproduce without
> > deleting
> > it.
> You may have already seen this, but there's an old Debian bug with a
> mention of this same error message:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=718318
> Could the issue here relate to a bad or missing symlink?

Thanks for bringing this bug to my attention, I'll do some testing
based on this info. Maybe the bad symlink setup was from an older
version of javascript-common that didn't get fixed and now the error is
showing up. All matching bug reports are from machines running Ubuntu
for well over a year, most starting with Bionic.
> The other Debian bug reports didn't look relevant.
> > LP: #1987576 <https://pad.lv/1987576> - dovecot - package dovecot-
> > core
> > 1:2.3.16+dfsg1-3ubuntu2.1 failed to in…
> > Able to reproduce the error without a necessary dependency
> > installed, but
> > this may be different from the user's issue. Asked them to share
> > their
> > configuration if installing the dependency doesn't fix it.
> I notice that apt prompted them about the modified configuration, but
> I
> can't quite discern what option they chose, or how the dovecot.conf
> ended up looking like.  But you can see the diff if you search
> DpkgTerminalLog.txt for 'Modified configuration file'.  Not spotting
> a
> mention of any *managesieve* binary or source packages in any of the
> logs or attachments.  The user's confirmed they believe it wasn't
> installed, as you suspected.
> I'm not spotting an upstream announcement that the
> 'managesieve_notify_capability' setting was deprecated or renamed;
> near
> as I can tell that should still be supported.  But maybe it is only
> recognized when dovecot-managesieved is installed?  That might
> explain
> the behavior you're replicating.

Yeah from my testing the error shows up in the daemon logs if
managesieve_notify_capability is mentioned in the conf file and
dovecot-managesieved is not installed. I haven't found the error at all
with the package installed.

> Debian bug #665487 shows the same error message, but is also an
> ancient
> one that's unlikely to be relevant, except that there might still be
> corner cases in postrm leading to this error message.
> I've added mention of these points to the bug.  Do you think this
> bug may fall more on the line of "local user config", or do you have
> an
> idea for an action we should take on addressing it in packaging?

I figure this is probably a config error where it was left behind and
the dovecot daemon wasn't restarted until the distro upgrade happened,
but I'm not 100% sure.

> Bryce
> > LP: #1987609 <https://pad.lv/1987609> - open-vm-tools - Open-vm-
> > tools
> > 12.1.0 has been released
> > Security team handled the update on the 24th. Let the user know and
> > marked
> > as fix released
> > 
> > No bugs were found untouched in the last 60 or 180 days.
> > -- 
> > ubuntu-server mailing list
> > ubuntu-server@lists.ubuntu.com
> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-server
> > More info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam


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