### Bug triage ###

Bugs last updated on 2022-11-15 (Tuesday)
Date range identified as: "Wednesday triage"

Found 5 bugs

https://pad.lv/1981290 | strongswan | Unable to login with Domain users After 
configuring with 80… |
  The reporter has been responsive on this one. Still, the setup seems
  non-trivial and the bug lacks information, such as logs, configurations and
  information on the user setup. I asked for more information here, but did not
  change the bug status again.

Bugs subscribed to ubuntu-server and not touched in 180 days

Found 1 bugs

https://pad.lv/50093   | systemd    | Some sysctls are ignored on boot |
  This is already in the backlog, marked as wishlist. The reason is well
  described in the latest ddstreet comment. I dod not touch this one.

### Discourse comments triage ###

The only updates were performed by the cloud-init team.

Athos Ribeiro

ubuntu-server mailing list
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