On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Hans Baier <hansfba...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> Hi, I wrote a GNOME panel applet as a replacement
> for qjackctl:
> http://www.hans-baier.de/wordpress/jackpanel
> (depends on libprolooks: http://www.hans-baier.de/wordpress/libprolooks)
> I already debianized it, and I currently develop on
> Hardy. How can I contribute it / make it ready for the
> next release of ubuntustudio?
> Thanks,
> Hans

Hi Hans,

Your application looks interesting (haven't had time to give it an install
yet).  The first step after you've debianized it would be to also debianize
libprolooks (a little harder task).  Then you'll need to get both of them
accepted into the universe repositories (if you want them to eventually
become part of Ubuntu Studio).  The way you get a package accepted:
http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/  (here's a little howto:
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU ) it also helps to prod motu
people in #ubuntu-motu for help on this (they're the guys who will
eventually okay your packages).  If you want it in Karmic Koala, the
deadline for acceptance is August 27th.
After it's in the repositories then Ubuntu Studio devs can consider it for
inclusion into the meta packages (I like the idea).  If that sounds like too
much work let us know and we may be able to attempt to package it through
REVU (though there's lots of packages on that wishlist).

Also, you might be interested in taking a look at LADITools:
http://www.marcochapeau.org/software/laditools they also have created an
applet for Jack use/control.


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