On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Scott Lavender <scottalaven...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I would like to suggest we replace Creox effects processor with Rakarrack
> for Lucid.
> Creox [1] does not appear to be updated or maintained as the version
> (0.2.2rc2) that is currently in Ubuntu Studio [2] (and Debian [3]) was
> released in 2003.
> Rakarrack [4], in contrast, released three new versions last year [5] and
> even has a developers blog [6] that shows activity for this year.
> Although Rakarrack isn't currently in the Ubuntu repositories, Debian shows
> packaging for Rakarrack for both Sid and Squeeze [6] so hopefully we can
> sync easily enough.
> Dave Phillips even reviewed it in one of his Linux Journal articles [7].
> The next prudent steps would be to mail the Ubuntu Studio users mail list,
> post at Ubuntu Forums and even mail to developer to ask if updates can be
> expected.  If no one violently objects to persuing Rakarrack I will take
> previously outlined steps.
> Scott
> [1] http://zyzstar.kosoru.com/?creox
> [2] http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=creox
> [3] http://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=names&keywords=creox
> [4] http://rakarrack.sourceforge.net/
> [5] http://sourceforge.net/projects/rakarrack/files/
> [6] http://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=names&keywords=rakarrack
> [7] http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/rakarrack-guitar-fx-linux
> --
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+1 for me.  I think the only reason why we haven't shipped rackarrack was
the lack of package.  If it's synced from debian, then all is good.
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