On Mon, 2011-06-06 at 21:52 +0000, Luke Kuhn wrote:
> I'm still playing with GNOME3 UI options, and just found another one, the 
> "frippery" extensions for gnome-shell.  Since gnome-shell is written largely 
> in Javascript, a good Javascript programmer can make quite a few 
> customizations of it. This package includes six changes, of which I am using 
> five in gnome-shell. They are written explicitly to bring GNOME2 
> functionality to GNOME3, and by the way are visually stunning-especially the 
> traditional GNOME menu themed in the GNOME3 transparent smoke. This package 
> was enough to make me switch from Unity to Gnome-shell with these extensions 
> added.
> The pertinant extensions, from the author's website are listed below:
> "Move the clock: Move the clock from the centre of the panel towards the 
> right. This isn't a very significant change, but it was the first extension I 
> wrote. One minor annoyance is that the width of the clock changes with the 
> time so the indicator icons move about a little.Favourites in panelPlace a 
> launcher for each favourite application in the panel. It isn't possible to 
> manage the list from the panel: instead you can add, remove or move favourite 
> applications in the dash and the panel display will update to match."
> "Applications menu in panel: Replace the Activities button in the panel with 
> an Applications menu. The menu is implemented using facilities supplied by 
> the shell so it doesn't behave exactly like a normal menu."
> "Shut Down menu: Replace the Suspend item in the status menu with Shut Down. 
> The dialog that this invokes includes all available shutdown options: 
> suspend, hibernate, restart and power off.
> An a really big one:
> "Bottom panel Add a bottom panel, including a window list, workspace switcher 
> and message tray button. Because the workspace switcher is arranged 
> horizontally the keybindings for changing workspace have been altered to 
> ctrl-alt-left/right. The message tray button shows and hides the message 
> tray, as the hot corner is hidden by the panel. Right clicking on the 
> workspace switcher invokes a dialog to set the number of workspaces."
> I am not using the "disable dynamic workspaces" extension, as dynamic 
> workspaces, always one more than in use, are reliable on my systems.
> Here's the author's website:
> http://intgat.tigress.co.uk/rmy/extensions/index.html
> Here's the package:
> http://intgat.tigress.co.uk/rmy/extensions/gnome-shell-frippery-0.2.0.tgz
> I now plan to download some Javascript tutorials, in hopes of being able to 
> replace the "applications" text in the upper right corner menu with an 
> Ubuntustudio button, still triggering the new-old menu system.

Somebody wrote that GNOME3 occupies 1GB RAM. Could you please run top
and verify/falsify this statement?

Thank you in advance!


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