On Tue, November 29, 2011 5:07 pm, Scott Lavender wrote:

> firstly i will mention that i appreciate your conviction on testing :)
> that's awesome!

It is something I can do as I do other things... hit a key here and there
and if it waits for an hour so what.

> next, i want to say that i asked the release team to wave our alpha1
> testing milestone because fundamentally the image is almost the same as
> the
> oneiric image.  we haven't really done any engineering lately except one
> bug update and the ia32-lib fix so i didn't want to unnecessarily tie up
> people's time at this point.

Good. The same bug as day one is there when trying to install all the
workflows. The same packages:

Nov 29 16:08:11 in-target: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
Nov 29 16:08:11 in-target:  libavcodec-extra-53 : Conflicts: libavcodec53
but 4:
0.7.2-1ubuntu1 is to be installed
Nov 29 16:08:11 in-target:  libavformat-extra-53 : Conflicts:
libavformat53 but 4:0.7.2-1ubuntu1 is to be installed
Nov 29 16:08:11 in-target:  libavutil-extra-51 : Conflicts: libavutil51
but 4:0.7.2-1ubuntu1 is to be installed
Nov 29 16:08:11 in-target:  libpostproc-extra-52 : Conflicts:
libpostproc52 but 4:0.7.2-1ubuntu1 is to be installed
Nov 29 16:08:11 in-target:  libswscale-extra-2 : Conflicts: libswscale2
but 4:0.7.2-1ubuntu1 is to be installed
Nov 29 16:08:11 in-target: E: Unable to correct problems, you have held
broken packages.
Nov 29 16:08:11 in-target: tasksel: aptitude failed (100)

The problem is that both sets of packages fill the same dependencies. The
install disk model is install everything at once and so packages that
depend on the normal set include them... I guess the two libs could be
black listed in the distro spec... I don't know if that would work. When I
install the metas after the first install with synaptic or aptitude they
first unistall the old libs anyway. So if we move to a live DVD with an
extra installer for the metas the problem will go away... I think.

>> Going to the page with instructions for testing shows a proceedure that
>> will not work with UStudio.
> i'll be honest, i'm not sure anyone had really used the test cases that
> were linked before for ubuntu studio.  perhaps the link was not obvious or
> the test cases before were rubbish.  you very well might be the first
> person in some time to really give them a critical eye.

I guess I don't see how else there can be a valid test. I can by those
guidelines have either a pass or a fail. A fail is more useful for some
things, a pass allows other things to be tested.

> you seem very engaged and active, would you like to help or head up the
> improvements of the test cases?  if so, let me know and we can make this
> happen :)

I can try... it is not really time yet, as the final install method
doesn't seem to be there. In general the install should be all metas
chosen at least first run because this points out major fails... like
doesn't install.

The install method is pretty complete... and I am sure it works for most
alt installs. Just a few lines need to be added to say select real time,
select all metas etc. I am not sure if it is better to use a net connected
install or not. The time difference is significant. (double with net on
for me) but the install of prop. fonts has to be skipped without. I did
todays test without because I wanted to see if the extra libs were still a
problem with as little time input as possible. It failed as above.

I may install with net on to test the desktop with no metas installed. The
network monitor hasn't worked which is ok for a desktop, but a fail for a
portable device like this. I had suggested wicd but I don't like it.
network-monitor-gnome is nicer. The other problem I have had is with the
usb drive as the dvd. It doesn't mount as /media/cdrom and so aptitude or
synaptic can't find it for installing metas later. I had to mount it...
remove the cdrom directory and make a link called cdrom to where the usb
drive was mounted. I had to park a terminal session with PWD on that drive
to keep it mounted and then I could install. I don't know if naming the
partition (vfat) to the word cdrom would help or not.

> i think this should be fixed now.  if you feel like testing it, please do
> and let me know how it works.
> for those interested in what happened it was thus:  the ia32-libs are
> being
> transitions to a mult-arch library (this means not having double the
> maintenance for 32 and 64 bit) but the germination process during the iso
> build was not picking up the dependency for amd64.  we were trying to ship
> the dssi-vst package which depends on wine which depend on ia32-libs, and
> since ia32-libs were not available this mean wine and dssi-vst were not
> available.  this eventually also broke the meta packages as well.

I think that part is fixed.

I have been going to aptitude and installing the xubuntu meta with all the
depends with xubuntu in them removed (to keep our themes). This gets a
more complete install with some office things so I can at least read
documents... have a few mind numbing games... I think it fixes the netmon
thing too. I don't know if you want that on the dvd, but something that
installs it from the net would be nice. Most of us have pretty big drives
these days and installing extra software is not a problem... so long as it
is not stuff that runs all the time.

There are some other personal apps I like to install too that do not
belong as part of US.

Still some more thoughts to come... I have a second install to do.

Len Ovens

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