On 11/16/2013 11:10 PM, Len Ovens wrote:
As prep for getting the best experience for 14.04 I would like to know
what people find anoying about our default desktop. What are the first
things you change. Not everything you or I find anoying should be
changed as we are trying not to confuse people new to UbuntuStudio as well.

  -I like focus follows mouse. I have used things this way since I began
using X with fvwm in the 90s. Probably won't get changed due to all the
windows raised people around.

I've never done this, but I can see how this can be useful now that I think about it.

  - click and double click on the window title bar defaults to full
screen or other action. The most common reason I click on the title bar
is to move the window. I would prefer double click to do nothing. (the
first thing to wear out of a mouse seems to be the left button resulting
in unintended double clicks)

I find this useful, and I think this is a very common feature, so people might feel confused.

  - scroll wheel on mouse changes workspace. This is really confusing
for those who have yet to get btheir minds wrapped around more than one
workspace. This mildly anoying for the rest of us (well me anyway) as it
means that as soon as the mouse wanders off of the window I am using the
scroll wheel for scrolling with, I get a blank screen or some other app
and have to go and find what I was working on again. I think this should
default to off.

I found this really annoying as well. I've turned this off.

  - The bottom pannel....
    a) the bottom (at least for me) is a bad place for this. Left side.
Monitors are no longer 3x4, using a side for this instead of bottom
makes more sense.
    b) auto hide results in the application sharing the space the pannel
takes as well as the whole bottom making it appear that the application
being used no longer responding even though the mouse is not over the
mouse itself. This may be fixable by making the pannel less than 100%
    c) I find the icon size too big. this is subjective :)
    d) Do we need this pannel at all?
    e) I think we could pick better apps to populate it.

I find this bottom panel useful. I have keyboard shortcuts for things like the browser, terminal, file manager and alt-F2 for app finder etc, but I do use the panel for quickly going to the settings manager, I use the directory menu a lot (and for me it is more useful in the bottom panel than the top, only because of the size of the icon), and also the show desktop icon (which I can only use because of its bigger size). I haven't use USC icon at all for a very long time (partly because I hardly ever use USC). I don't use trash icon as well.

Yes initially it was slightly confusing because despite clicking on what appeared to be the application currently open, the panel did not disappear. I eventually figured out that I was in fact not clicking on the app but the panel. Once you know this, its a non-issue. I guess this could be solved by not keeping it completely transparent like you said.

  - clock format, and maybe app. We switched to Orage because the clock
applet doesn't open a calendar when clicked. However, Orage is more
difficult to set default time/date format. We should watch what Xubuntu
does here.... it sounds like they are annoyed too :)

I actually don't remember if I had to change the clock settings to do it, but orage displays time on the panel the way I want it (hh:mm:ss AM/PM) at the moment. I setting the format shouldn't be too difficult as the settings dialog has an index displaying which code to use to get what.

Please comment on any of these and feel free to add your pet peaves
too... even if they seem opposite to mine. I do know how to set my
desktop the way I want it, but would prefer that the average and new
person gets the best workflow without having to learn to set things up.
SO please think in these terms. We really do want productivity first,
and nice looks right after that.

I use desktop icons a lot because that is a very convenient place for me to put up custom launchers for apps and launchers for any scripts. I don't have any normal app launchers on my desktop, I use the menu for that.

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