On Mon, 19 May 2014, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:

By netinstall, I don't mean in the traditional term. Just that most
things get installed over the net, instead of from the ISO.

My view, as I said before, would be it is to be used for two things:
* installing only what you need over the internet (so, no need to
download the entire 2+GB ISO)
* simple troubleshooting/testing (again, no need to download the entire
2+GB ISO).

Also, it would be nice if could fit on a CD, all though the CD is a
dying medium.

200 Meg CDs fit in pockets real nice. I once had (maybe I still do) an ISO image that would fit in 200 Meg with a DE, browser and a pack of network and other admin tools... even a windows reg editor. Seems to me the browser was very basic, but there was a menu item for downloading and installing firefox into memory.... But, are there any machines made since 2000 that will not boot from a USB stick? USB started showing up before then. I do have One running laptop from 98 that while it does have a usb port, will not boot from it. However, at 360Mhz and 256M ram, it is not going to do much of any audio. In fact, there is no Ubuntu flavour that is worth running on it. Funny, I used to be able to get videos to run smoothly on it at one time. I used vcds to keep the kids busy on long trips.

Anyway, Aim for CD size, if for nothing else besides short DL time. Do you want it pretty too? or are coloured backgrounds ok? Can we ditch plymouth?

Is there some kind of "sandbox" we can build ISOs in? If the ISO has a package blacklisted so it is not included on the ISO, can ubiquity still DL and install that package later? Right now our (and most flavours) rely on a basic desktop package (i'm guessing X and some generic X apps/utils). It would be nice to still use that but be able to blacklist things at least to try without them. IS there any reason to do both 32 and 64 bit.. at least to start? I wouldn't mind playing with a seed package for this.

ubiquity uses gtk? (on top of python) So the DE should also be GTK based. LXDE has announced they are moving towards QT, so that is probably out unless there is a qt based version of ubiquity that does not also use the kde toolkit. XFCE is probaly the only one that makes sense, or to put it another, any other DE will still result in the gtk libs just for ubiquity anyway.

We need a menu, but not indicators or systray, the netman will run without them. Do we need the panel? Is there a menu without? (if so would the average user find it?) How stripped down do we want/need? The install option has no DE. ubiquity becomes the wm. It will start the netmanager if it is needed for example. We can make something with very little that will do the job, but should we?

Matchbox anyone?

Len Ovens

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