Greetings everyone!

Technically we entered the new cycle after releasing the previous one, but its fair to say we all need to live a little bit of delicious post release relaxation. The new cycle, Zesty Zapus 17.04 is a special one for US. While it isn't an LTS, it marks the 10th aniversary of Ubuntu Studio. While 16.10 saw a few oldtimers leave, it gained new blood in contributors. By fear of forgetting someone, i will skip dropping names, but we've seen activity in our artwork team, in the PR team and in the tester team. The IRC channels have been running hotter than i have ever whitnessed and while there was an episode of hurt feelings, it's been fun and interesting to exchange on- and off-topic chats. I would like to invite everyone to share their thoughts on how we do this 10th aniversary unforgettable. From the top of my head these are a few things i think we should work on this cycle:

- Recruit devels. We have an acute need of actual coders. While those among us are awesome and skilled, we need to work on discharging workload from their shoulders so that they can remain happy and relaxed contributors. The only way i can think of is to campaign about it e v e r y w h e r e. Engage the community and emphasise our users production. Create pride of the healthy kind. Gain attention and outline the fact that there is actualy a demand for what we do. Our community is small from a global scale, but it's huge from the perspective of an altruistic volunteering based project. There has been discussions about creating contests and i think it is great and now that have a job, i am ready to invest a few bucks into some prizes in the form of swag from the distributors we have at hand.

- Include gameing design tools. There is no doubt that game art is a an ecompassing artform, including most of the multimedia fields we cover. While blender has game engine, i hear there are interesting alternatives and including this expression forn would open us up for a wider community.

- Review our artwork. Some of the artwork we have, such as boot images and loading screen could need a makeover.

I invite you to fill the list :)

The emergency project right now is the website. It's been queued for too long and while it is mostly an issue of miscommunication with Internet Services, we still need to figure how we showcase the community with it.

Now for a little bit of reality check, on my personal side, my new job is super interesting but also, well... fulltime and some... I basically manage IT events, and while i'm learning craploads of stuff that are usefull for my work with you, these first weeks i've been struggling to find the energy to do anything else than procrastination on my freetime. I'm hopefull iöthis is due to the nature of beginning something new and intense that requires a lot of energy and dedication. I do not intend to give up on this project by any means, but for the sake of the group unity, i need to inform you of this. I will probably not be able to learn all i still need to learn to be a packager and therefor i think i should focus on doing what i already know how to do: PR, docs, artwork and troop coordination/motivation. On that note i would like to invite everyone to observe how xubuntu has migrated from having a project lead to having a project council. Xubuntu has a remarkable infrastructure, and while our team is small enough to be quite agile we should learn as much as we can from their methods. In any case, i invite you to share any and all ideas, suggestions, and motivations regarding our group in this thread.

Looking forwars to read you, with warm regards from cold sweden,

Set Hallström
Sent from my Ubuntu pocket computer

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