Hi everyone,

I haven't seen a lot of activity over the course of the past two weeks,
so I'm not 100% sure we should even have a meeting today aside from this
thread. Also, I haven't seen anything about -controls making it into
Cosmic officially, so I'm guessing there's nothing going on there.

=== Audio Handbook ===

With the handbook, I know Eylul has been feverishly working on the PDF
for that.

=== ubuntustudio-plasma ===

With Plasma, I'm pretty confident at this time that we aren't going to
have it done in time for feature freeze, and making a new seed has
proven to be extremely difficult with our manpower. I tried to take some
ownership on this, but I'm afraid I may have bit off more than I can
chew. I propose slowing development on this, which is contrary to my
proposal in my last email. I propose pushing the Plasma desktop goal to
19.04, which should give us all time to work on it without rushing it.

=== Website ===

Nothing new to report, but this is something that doesn't have as much
of a significant deadline as everything else.

=== Packaging ===

At this point, with feature freeze approaching (does anybody know the
exact date???), we need to make this the focus on our development.
Cadence is something that should be worked on since we need to replace
Patchage with Catia. I'll be focusing on this myself.

I haven't touched -welcome or -boutique, but I intend to over the next
couple of weeks, but this might be a 19.04 thing as well. Reason being
is that I'm going to be extremely busy over the next week or two with my
regular job.

=== PikoPixel ===

Not sure where we landed on this, but including PikoPixel in the seed
and dropping MyPaint permanently from the iso is on the table, since
PikoPixel would simply be a good addition and Krita fills a lot, if not
all, of what MyPaint fills in terms of niche.

I'll go ahead and lurk in #ubuntustudio-devel, so if anyone shows up for
the meeting at 1900 UTC, ping me and we'll get started.


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