Thanks - I was thinking more of command line stuff I guess.  I will  
probably try to load Ubuntu on my old G3 iMac as an experiment, and I  
assume I will be able to grok the GUI and use apps, etc.  I want to  
learn lower-level stuff so I can maintain my own system, etc.


On Feb 2, 2009, at 3:15 PM, Karoliina Salminen wrote:

> Hello,
> On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 10:07 PM, Larry David  
> <> wrote:
>> I hope this isn't too noobish for the list - can anyone recommend a
>> book or a website to learn Linux - enough to be comfortable
>> installing and troubleshooting UBS?
> Well, just download the Ubuntu CD and try it out.
> It is so easy to use and install, that you don't need a book to do  
> that.
> I would bet that these days one needs more mouse clicks and trouble  
> shooting
> in installing Windows. The only thing that beats Ubuntu installation
> in easiness is
> installing the MacOSX. But the difference is quite thin nowadays.
> Ubuntu is really easy
> to install and work on. You don't need to compile kernels and do
> programming yourself to use
> the Ubuntu. Linux used to be like that a long time ago, but those
> times are long gone.
> There was long a discussion if Linux is ready for desktop use, and the
> time it has
> been ready has been now already couple of years and Ubuntu is getting
> on each release better and better.
> The 6 month release cycle is very rapid and things change for better
> at amazing rate.
> Best Regards,
> Karoliina Salminen
> (running couple of Ubuntu computers)
> -- 
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