On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 9:35 AM, Henry W. Peters <hwpet...@jamadots.com>wrote:

> As a person who is more interested in using binary driven hardware as a
> tool (rather than an end in it self)... I am very encouraged about the
> prospects of (say) Linux to be able to participate meaningfully in this
> efforts, thanks to Mr. K. Noise & this kind & quality of discussion
> (all), & the constructive & critical perspective it offers!  Nice
> layout of thoughts... & (mostly) my sentiments, exactly.
> Henry
> P.s., I kind of hope the 'nick' sticks: "UbuStu" (perhaps it has been
> used before, but this is the first time I have noticed it(?).
> Karlheinz Noise wrote:
> > Hey, all. I guess I've helped open up a can of worms here. Sorry about
> > that. I do want to reply, but I should preface this by saying that
> > this is not any sort of personal criticism against UbuStu or any of
> > the people involved in the distro. I'm only starting to code, and I'm
> > only beginning to understand the hard work and headaches that are
> > involved in something like UbuStu, so a big THANK YOU to all that make
> > it happen.
> >
> > Now, to the replies...
> >
> >
> > <
> http://www.bing.com/shopping/search?q=xbox+games&scope=cashback&form=MSHYCB&publ=WLHMTAG&crea=TEXT_MSHYCB_Shopping_Giftsforthem_cashback_1x1
> >

>The Mac power is mostly based on fixed and known hardware,
>smaller and dedicated set of software.

That is very good point that definitely needs to be considered if one is to
compare Linux to Mac (or compare anything to Mac, really).  And I would
disagree that Linux is behind Windows in user experience.  As many on this
list have pointed, Windows is very hard to use and maintain, we've just all
gotten used to it.  Ubuntu is easily a better end-user experience, in my

There also seems to be a false dichotomy going on here in terms of usability
versus flexibility.  A lot of commentators appear to worry that pushing for
a more user-friendly experience will somehow limit the flexibility available
to the advanced Linux user.  Why would that be the case?  I think that for
most of us who would like improved out-of-the-box experience, what that
translates to is just a series of default settings that aren't necessarily
going to run the system at its best, but will just work right away.  Then
there should be a well designed series of GUIs to tweak the settings for
optimal performance.  This doesn't mean that power users can't tweak their
systems the way they always have.

Take the Add Software menu in Ubuntu.  That's a lovely GUI that allows a
beginner to very easily install new software.  This doesn't stop anyone from
opening up a terminal and using apt-get, though.


-Brian David
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