Am Tue, 18 Sep 2012 12:37:21 +0200
schrieb Ralf Mardorf <>: 

> > Change the config to
> > RTIRQ_NAME_LIST="rtc [and add anything as it was before, excepted of a 
> > second rtc entry]"
> PS: After editing the config stop and start might not do the job and a
> reboot could be required

No biggie ... I'll bear with some reboots when I get the thing stable
afterwards. As for rtc being first in the list: If that is necessary (I
could imagine that it is), I wonder why that is not default on
UbuntuStudio (I remember the update modifying that config anyway).

And, having read up a bit ... AHCI seems to be known to cause audio
issues, also on Windows machines (where people endure greate pain to
switch between AHCI and IDE mode ... registry hacking, or even
reinstall ... I didn't have to do a thing with Linux and I don't see
why I should).

Is this a consensus here: If building a DAW, stay away from AHCI?
Though, I think that I also had it enabled in 10.04 (on another
mainboard, though); that could be a regression in the kernel behaviour,
which would be depressing (I'm getting old, as I see lots of regressing
with Linux in general, especially considering reliability).

Alrighty then,


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