Thanks for all your suggestions. In fact I want to buy a new notebook, I
see Lenovo is another good choice. I was searching in the website for
models and the thinkpad looks fine. The new modelsw include a MD Port
compatible with apple hardware, but I'm not sure how useful could it be.

Definitively I won't buy another HP/Compaq notebook. My experience as user
is quite bad with those trademarks. I'll see what fits better to my needs
and my budget. Thanks again.

2014-02-11 14:43 GMT-06:00 Thomas Orgis <>:

> Am Tue, 11 Feb 2014 11:23:07 -0500
> schrieb Mike Holstein <>:
> > The thinkpad I have, T60, doesn't have a texas instruments FireWire
> > chipset, making it  inappropriate for FireWire devices in Linux for audio
> > production.
> Firewire audio worked fine with my old X31. Wasn't with TI chip, neither, I
> think. Might even have been O2micro or such. Sometimes, things are just
> wired up right. Case in point: A dual Socket A board with a flawed
> nVidia chipset which made Firewire audio impossible regardless of
> FW controller chip.
> Alrighty then,
> Thomas
> --
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