Hi Rick, Welcome to the linux world!

Well, after the Windows 10 icon pops up, telling me to upgrade . . .
I started thinking, I not going to pay a subscription fee to MS.. heck no.

Be aware that there is an expectancy of payment in the linux society as well.

Not necessarily in economic terms, though many software creators ask for donations or encourage subscriptions, bughunting or other contributions.

But you have to pay with your time. If running windows compares to driving a Volvo, running Linux might compare to driving a scooter, a racing car or a digging machine - all depending on your needs and wishes. In any case, expect a learning curve and make sure you've got some time to invest.

If you do, then try some of the USB live distros available. Many meet some or most of your requirements (those regarding privacy and security will mostly be the responsibility of the user on ANY system), but they look and feel very different.

Good luck, and let us know your decision. I'm curious!

Al F

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