On Fri, 25 Mar 2016 03:14:26 +0000 (UTC), VenuG wrote:
>My language is not English. So we write some times what is called
>butler English. In colonial times the natives were employed as butlers
>and they have their own version of English. Having said that I can
>grasp the meaning of the line : "Couldn't wait for the 16.o4 RC o made
>a 2oo GIG Hard Driver for 64 Bit:" Well, I have at least come to know
>that the Ubuntu Studio is already available. UbuntuStudio 16.04
>(Xenial Xerus) Daily Build I will google for more details and most
>probably download and install it. "0" is replaced by "o" I guess. One
>who uses the advanced typing system of seek and peck can make that
>mistake some times :).Regardsvg
>When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>than "Re: Contents of ubuntu-studio-users digest..." [snip]


this will be my last trial to help, to improve disgusting posting
style, before I flag such mail as spam.

Why don't Alex and you format your mails in a readable manner, like

  My language is not English. So we write some times what is called
  butler English. In colonial times the natives were employed as butlers
  and they have their own version of English.

  Having said that I can grasp the meaning of the line : "Couldn't wait
  for the 16.o4 RC o made a 2oo GIG Hard Driver for 64 Bit:" Well, I
  have at least come to know that the Ubuntu Studio is already

  UbuntuStudio 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) Daily Build I will google for more
  details and most probably download and install it. "0" is replaced by
  "o" I guess.

  One who uses the advanced typing system of seek and peck
  can make that mistake some times :).


The first sentence on the site you subscribed is:

  "Please read community.ubuntu.com/contribute/support/mailinglists/
  about mailing etiquette."

Quotes from this link:

  "[snip] Write your email underneath the email which you are replying to
   [snip] remove any unnecessary text
   [snip] Avoid sending emails in HTML format
   [snip] Replying to digest emails breaks the threading [snip]"

It's recommended to use MIME Digest, as described by
http://www.list.org/mailman-member/node28.html , then you neither need
to edit the subject, nor will it break threading.

Btw. the first sentence above "Today's Topics" of the digest is:

  "When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
  than "Re: Contents of ubuntu-studio-users digest...""

In this case it was "(no subject)", so it doesn't matter, however, if
the mails at least would be formatted in a readable manner, I wouldn't
care, but the odd formatting in combination with breaking that many
mailing list etiquette arrangements, is really a PITA for the readers.


PS: Consider not to add a "Reply-To: VenuG <akvenugo...@yahoo.com>"
header to mails send to a mailing list, were subscription is required.
This does force the people who reply to your mails, to remove you
manually from the recipients, to ensure, what ever the mailman/mailing
list settings should be, that you never ever would receive duplicated

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