On Wed, 12 Oct 2016 14:19:38 +0000 (UTC), Alex Armani wrote:
>Heya folks, I've a few ideas for how to make Linux better. They'd be
>useful for all Linux users, but I only install 64 bit Ubuntu Studio
>Releases on my GigStick {USB Hard Drive}. My first idea, is to include
>a filter on the filenames when writing to Windows partitions, to
>filter out any characters in the filename that will confuse Windows \
>Windows Users. Would this be easy to implement, or is it a lot more
>complicated than first sounds?

How does it improve Linux?

However, there are already options available.

[root@moonstudio ~]# man ntfs-3g | grep -A5 Compatibility
   Windows Filename Compatibility
       NTFS  supports  several filename namespaces: DOS, Win32 and
POSIX. While the ntfs-3g driver handles all of them, it always creates
new files in the POSIX namespace for maximum portability and
interoperabil- ity  reasons.   This  means that filenames are case
sensitive and all characters are allowed except '/' and '\0'. This is
perfectly legal on Windows, though some application may get confused.
The option win- dows_names may be used to apply Windows restrictions to
new file names.

[root@moonstudio ~]# man mount | grep -A12 nls
              New name for the option earlier called iocharset.

       utf8   Use UTF-8 for converting file names.

              For  0  (or `no' or `false'), do not use escape sequences
       for unknown Unicode characters.  For 1 (or `yes' or `true') or
       2, use vfat-style 4-byte escape sequences starting  with  ":".
       Here  2 give a little-endian encoding and 1 a byteswapped
       bigendian encoding.

              If  enabled (posix=1), the filesystem distinguishes
       between upper and lower case.  The 8.3 alias names are presented
       as hard links instead of being suppressed.  This option is

>Where is the best place to suggest ideas for Ubuntu Studio?

Add a feature request to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio


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