Ubuntu Studio 18.10 Released

The Ubuntu Studio team is pleased to announce the release of Ubuntu
Studio 18.10 “Cosmic Cuttlefish”. As a regular release, this version of
Ubuntu Studio will be supported for 9 months.

Since it’s just out, you may experience some issues, so you might want
to wait a bit before upgrading. Please see the release notes
<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CosmicCuttlefish/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuStudio> for
a complete list of changes and known issues.

Click Here to Download Ubuntu Studio 18.10

  Changes This Release

    Major Upgrade to Ubuntu Studio Controls

Ubuntu Studio Controls has historically been the app to run to get
initial audio configuration set for your system. This release, Ubuntu
Studio Controls has undergone a major rewrite, and has the following

  * Option for changing the CPU governor
  * Configuration of JACK, including any attached USB audio devices
  * Configuration of the JACK-PulseAudio Bridge
  * Configuration of the JACK-ALSA MIDI Bridge

Ubuntu Studio Controls now, for the first time ever for any JACK
configuration GUI, configures JACK to automatically detect hot-plugged
USB audio devices and allows you to use more than one audio device at a
time. This is something you will find in no other such utility.

Future plans for Ubuntu Studio Controls includes configuration of WACOM
Tablets, which is something currently not available in our default Xfce
desktop environment.


  Inclusion of PikoPixel

PikoPixel <http://twilightedge.com/mac/pikopixel/> is an easy-to-use
application for drawing & editing pixel-art.

  * Unlimited undo
  * Supports multiple layers
  * Customizable canvas background and grid patterns
  * Hotkey-activated popup panels
  * Export upscaled images
  * Supports linear (gamma-correct) color blending

  Other Changes

Among those applications upgraded in this release is GIMP 2.10, which
saw its release shortly before the release of Ubuntu Studio 18.04. Due
to a library conflict between GIMP 2.10 and MyPaint, we had to make the
hard decision to drop MyPaint from the default installation of Ubuntu
Studio beginning in 18.10, citing other tools, such as Krita, as filling
a similar role in graphical art production. As such, if both are
installed and you wish to upgrade to Ubuntu Studio 18.10, *you must
uninstall GIMP or MyPaint for the upgrade to be successful. *We
apologize for this inconvenience. At this time, we are waiting for the
upstream developers of MyPaint to release a new version based on
libmypaint 1.3 before both can be co-installable again.

Information on newer packages can be found in the release notes

  Regarding Availability of Additional Desktop Environments

Since Ubuntu Studio is the only official flavor of Ubuntu not tied to a
desktop environment, we thought it would be a good idea to attempt to
offer more desktop environments for Ubuntu Studio and provide multiple
ISO downloads. However, since the Ubuntu infrastructure for flavors is
based on the desktop environment per flavor structure, we found this to
be time and effort prohibitive. As such, we have decided to abandon this

However, it has also been asked how it might be possible to add Ubuntu
Studio to an existing Ubuntu install. As such, our new goal is to make a
single package to install which starts that process on any Ubuntu or
flavor thereof. We hope this lands in Ubuntu Studio 19.04. This means
you will be able to install any flavor of Ubuntu and add Ubuntu Studio
on to it, allowing you to work in your favorite desktop environment
while having all of the benefits of Ubuntu Studio.

Future goals include providing the optional ability to re-brand your
installed Ubuntu flavor to Ubuntu Studio along with the under-the-hood
configurations. Yet another, distant goal is to allow you to install
your preferred desktop environment at install time from the Xfce-based
Live CD so long as you have an active Internet connection. Since these
are distant goals, they are not completely solidified and are subject to

  Want to help out?

Ubuntu Studio is maintained by a very small team and we are actively
seeking new contributors. We are looking
for *developers*, *packagers* and *testers*. Even if you are interested
in contributing outside these areas, please do not hesitate to reach
out. Your contribution is precious regardless of your field of activity.
We are open to volunteers with all expertise levels. Just head over to
our contribute <http://ubuntustudio.org/contribute/> page to find out
how to get started.

  Found a bug?

Taking the time to report bugs makes a huge difference; it’s the first
step towards improvement! Clear and specific bug reports is the best way
to get attention to a problem that needs fixing. The easiest way to
create a bug report is with the terminal.

Open one up and type: /ubuntu-bug <package>/

Read more about this at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs

    Special Thanks For This Release

  * *Erich Eickmeyer*, Council Chair, Communications, Social Media,
    Packaging, Documentation
  * *Len Ovens*, Council Member, Ubuntu Studio Controls main
    contributor, coding
  * *Set Hallstrom*, Council Member, Social Media, Guidance
  * *Eylul Dogruel*, Artwork, Documentation, Communications
  * *Thomas Pfundt*, Council Member, Documentation
  * *Peter Reppert*, Ubuntu Studio Audio Handbook author
  * *Ross Gammon*, Council Member, Guidance, Packaging, Sage Wisdom
  * *Simon Quigley*, Package Uploading and Guidance
  * *Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper Contest Winners*
  * *Our many testers and help along the way*

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